Keep calm and carry on!
Today, we talked about managing our feelings and behaviour, which is part of the Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) prime area of learning.
The children came up with some ideas about calming down when they feel angry or sad:
- Have a drink
- Sit in bed
- Take deep breaths
We had a mindfulness session where we tried different ways of staying calm and talked about who we can talk to if we feel upset or angry.
Talk to your child about how they can calm down when they feel upset.
Shapes are everywhere!
This week, we’ve been learning about shapes. We looked at the difference between 2D and 3D shapes – ask your child if they can tell you what this is. The children have been learning the names of shapes and using mathematical language to describe them.
One child said, “Shapes are everywhere.” So, why not go on a shape hunt at home or outside? Can your child describe the shapes that they find? Send us a photo of what you find!
Summer Picnic themed menu
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Friday 06 July.
Please contact the office, by Friday 22 June, if your child would like a school dinner on this day.
Tricky teens
We have been investigating teen numbers this week. The children used Numicon, Base 10 and ten frames and cubes to represent different teen numbers.
It’s really important for the children to know that teen numbers are a ten and some ones.
“I know it’s sixteen because there’s one ten and six ones.”
Can your child read, write and order the teen numbers? Encourage them to talk about these numbers as a ten and some ones.
Earlier in the week we took part in a cricket festival. It was a lovely day. We practised lots of different skills and really enjoyed it. Here are a few action shots of the day!
Marvellous machines!
This morning, we learnt about machines and how they work. The children were asked what a machine was. One child said, “It’s like a robot and you tell it what to do.” We discussed the differences between humans and machines. Bee-Bots were programmed, photos were taken and printed and QR codes were read!
We identified machines around school. Can your child find some at home?
Green fingered gardeners
We’re giving our outside area a makeover. Today, we planted flowers and herbs.
Year 2 cricket festival
Just to confirm, we’ve been allocated extra places for the Year 2 cricket festival next Tuesday afternoon, 08.05.18, at Old Leos cricket club, so the whole class will be going.
We have still got some outstanding permissions for the visit so please complete this as soon as possible.
Thank you to those parents who have offered to help with transport. We have enough support now but if you can provide any booster seats to use on the day, we require four more.
The children will be having their lunch before we set off and they need outdoor PE kit as well as their water bottle in school.
We’ll return to school by the end of the day.
The forecast currently looks good for Tuesday so a hat and suncream (applied at home before school) might be needed!
Alien invasion!
This morning was out of this world! Reception arrived to discover an alien in our reading area. After some investigation, we found an abandoned slime-covered spaceship outside! Pog the alien wrote us a letter and asked for our help. Children wrote instructions to help Pog learn to live on Earth. Some children even got sent a letter from King Eldon of Planet Zee28!
Why not talk to your child about what else they could do to teach Pog how to live amongst humans! Or maybe your child could think of a question to ask Pog.
Stay and play session
Today, we had our creative stay and play session. Thank you to everyone who came – we hope you had fun!
The expressive arts and design early learning goals are:
Exploring and using media and materials
– Children sing songs, make music and dance and experiment with ways of changing them.
– They safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
Being imaginative
– Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes.
– They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories.
Not just this morning, but everyday, the children in Reception continue to surprise us with their wonderful imagination and different ways of expressing their ideas!
Here are some photos from our fantastic session this morning…
Why not get creative at home? Make use of any recycling to build a junk model or use an old sponge to do a sponge painting. The possibilities are endless!