14 Jan 2011
Spellings this week are to tie in with our Arctic Habitat topic. Choose eight words from the list to learn and be tested on next week. Spellings will be tested Friday 21 January.
A Review of Last Term
Last term was very successful with lots of learning taking place in all curriculum areas and SEAL. When we asked the children what their favourite learning was, many said it was the opportunity to dress up and experience Victorian Day. The children have also enjoyed the opportunity to use the Year Six Forums on the website.
Here’s looking forward to another busy, eventful and successful half term!
SEAL statement 10 Jan
This week we are focussing on our second ‘R of learning’, risk-taking, and our weekly statement is “I can take a safe risk.”
As part of our 7 Rs topic we will be looking at how taking a ‘safe risk’ can have an impact on learning. This may include ‘having a go’ in class, for example:
- asking a question
- putting your hand up to answer a question
- working with someone different in class
- making suggestions in group work
Would you like to read to a small group of children or the class?
Do you have a favourite story from your childhood you would like to share?
We are learning traditional stories in our Literacy sessions this term and would like to provide the children with a wide range of stories read by a variety of people. If you would like to read to the children at story time please let us know.
We would particularly like to hear stories from a variety of cultures, not necessarily from a book.
Games to play at home
Memory, also known as concentration, is a fantastic game that can be played by even the youngest children, making it a very enjoyable way to learn the phonemic code. Because children generally excel at memory-based games, it also allows them to compete easily with older players.
The player to the dealer’s left starts. On each turn, a player must turn over two cards and pronounce each phoneme. If they match and are a pair the player may keep them if he or she can pronounce the phoneme correctly. If playing with the advanced code phoneme cards, then a word containing that phoneme has to be said in order to keep the pair. Because that player was successful, he/she also gets to take another turn. If, however, the two cards that he/she turns over do not match, then the player must turn them face down again and the next player takes his/her turn. The game is over when all of the pairs have been found. The person with the most pairs is the winner.
Word Card Winners
Place all the cards face down and take it in turns to pick one. If your child says the word correctly they keep it. Read a few words wrongly and encourage your child to spot the mistake. The person with the most cards is the winner.
Have fun!
“It was great fun going to the museum!”
“I liked making the solar-powered cars.”
These are just a couple of the positive comments from the Year Fours about our last topic, ‘All Aboard’.
We have kick-started this year with a mini-topic on South Africa. The children have already used the atlases to locate South Africa and its surrounding countries. The African animal art work has really brightened up our classroom too!
Our main topic this term is ‘To Infinity and Beyond!’ As we will learn all about space, this topic is mostly science-based. However, there will be links with some other subjects such as literacy, DT and ICT.
Happy New Year!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break! Parents’ evening will be held at the end of the half term but in the meantime if you have anything you need to discuss, please feel free to come and see me.
07 January 2011
The homework this week is Talk Time and is due in Wednesday 12 January.
I can talk about the features of a non-fiction book.
We will be focussing on information texts for the next two weeks. The children have been introduced to the main features this week but will benefit from some more examples at home.
Why not visit the local library to look through some non-fiction books?
We’ll be talking about what they’ve done all week, next week.
07 January 2011
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all have the suffix ‘y’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 14 January 2011.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words |
LO: Words with suffix ‘y’. |
07 January 2011
This week’s homework is creative. It is due on Wednesday 14 January 2011.
I can find different materials around the house.
Remember, all objects are made from a type of material, for example glass, wood, metal, plastic etc.