07 January 2011
This week we are learning to spell words with the ‘wh’ sound.
when |
why |
what |
wheel |
whip |
which |
where |
white |
These words will be tested on Friday 14 January.
07 January 2011
The spelling rule this week is to drop the ‘e’ when adding ‘ing’ to words that end in an ‘e’
1. hope hoping
2. use using
3. write writing
4. take taking
5. shake shaking
6. joke joking
7. share sharing
8. smile smiling
9. have having
10. care caring
11. decide deciding
12. become becoming
13. improve improving
Spellings will be tested on Friday 14 January. Good luck.
07 January 2011
This week’s homework is creative and links to the literacy learning that we have been doing in class. It is due in on Wednesday 12 January 2011.
I can write a kenning poem.
A kenning poem describes something without giving its name away. It uses verbs ending in ‘er’.
Here is an example similar to the ones we looked at in class:
A loud-barker
A swift-sprinter
A mud-roller
A cat-chaser
A tail-wagger
Think of your own animal. Now write a kenning poem about your animal. Remember to think of all the verbs (doing words) that your animal does and then add ‘er’ to the end of them.
Adjectives/ Adverbs group: Try to use your ambitious vocabulary. Can you think of even better words eg eater could also be scoffer or gobbler. (Remember your hyphens too!)
Happy children, happy staff
At Moortown, we listen to the views of everyone in our school community.
We regularly ask our children for their opinions. Recently, children have expressed their views on topics, their learning and how safe the school feels. Each year, we also ask parents / carers for their views in the Annual Survey.
It’s important to also listen to the views of staff in school, whether teachers, teaching assistants or support staff.
I’m delighted that, once again, we’ve had a very positive response to the Annual Staff Survey; for example:
- 100% enjoy working at Moortown Primary
- 100% feel valued and supported and feel they are treated fairly and with respect
- 100% feel they have access to training when they need it
This all confirms that Moortown Primary is a happy and healthy place to work as well as to learn!
07 January 2011
This week’s homework is creative and links to the literacy learning that we have been doing in class. It is due in on Wednesday 12 January 2011.
I can write a kenning poem.
A kenning poem describes something without giving its name away. It uses verbs ending in ‘er’.
Here is an example similar to the ones we looked at in class:
A loud-barker
A swift-sprinter
A mud-roller
A cat-chaser
A tail-wagger
Think of your own animal. Now write a kenning poem about your animal. Remember to think of all the verbs (doing words) that your animal does and then add ‘er’ to the end of them.
Adjectives/ Adverbs group: Try to use your ambitious vocabulary. Can you think of even better words eg. eater could also be scoffer or gobbler. (Remember your hyphens too!)
07 January 2011
Present tense |
Past tense |
drags |
dragged |
drops |
dropped |
grabs |
grabbed |
hugs |
hugged |
shops |
shopped |
stops |
stopped |
claps |
clapped |
steps |
stepped |
Can you think of any of your own? |
This week’s spellings are writing words in the past tense. The rule is ‘double up for short vowels’.
These spellings will be tested on Friday 14 Janauary 2011. Can the children think of any more of their own?
07 January 2011
To tie in with our topic ‘Snowbound’, our spellings are compound words based on snow or bound and words linked to snow.
Spellings will be tested on Friday 14 January.
C |
B |
A |
snowball snowbound snowplough snowstorm snowshoe snowboard snowdrift icicle blizzard |
housebound snowbound snowplough snowfall boundless avalanche iceberg icicle blizzard |
snowmobile snowplough snowflake avalanche snowbound housebound snowboarding thawing blizzard |
07 January 2011
Your homework this week is creative and is due on Wednesday 12 January.
I can express my opinions about our topic Snowbound.
We are starting our new topic and need some work to show our opinions about Snowbound to start a display in the classroom.
You need to stick to the rules about homework taking up no more than one page of A4. However, if necessary, the page can be extended downwards if you need more space.
Things you could complete for our creative display:
- Art: a snow scene.
- A piece of writing about being involved in an avalanche.
- A newspaper report about being trapped in the snow.
- Some graffiti style art work in a snowy or icy style
- Poetry inspired by snow or ice or an avalanche.
Or…your own idea!
SEAL statement 04 Jan
This half term we are focussing on 7R’s of learning in place of our usual SEAL topic. The first statement is ‘I can take responsibility to learn well.‘
We shall be looking at a different area of learning each week, starting with responsibility.
Taking responsibility for learning may include:
- using listening skills in lessons
- asking questions
- contributing and working well in a group to complete a task
- bringing guided reading books, spelling books etc to school when needed
- learning spellings and tables at home
- completing homework
Christmas Hat Competition