
What are the most important features of a family car?

Posted on Friday 17 December 2010 by Mr Wilks

In a topic lesson this half-term the class had to sort nine features of a family car by deciding which were the most important to which were the least important. We then repeated the activity, but this time we sorted the same features for a rally car. This led to a really interesting debate about the importance of the various features!

Tackling cyber-bullying

Posted on Friday 17 December 2010 by Mr Wilks

In literacy this half-term, the class have been finding out about cyber-bullying. They then wrote a report about what cyber-bullying is and how you can limit the chances of being cyber-bullied.

Thinking about ways that you could stop cyber-bullies
Thinking about ways that you could stop cyber-bullies

Born In A Barn

Posted on Monday 13 December 2010 by Mrs Weekes

Who was born in the barn one cold and wintry evening?  If you come and see our Christmas performance on Tuesday 14 or Wednesday 15 December then you’ll find out.  It’s not too late to get your tickets!  Come and listen to the singing donkey, various sheep and cows, a wise owl and a very noisy cockerel.  Looking forward to seeing you.

december 2010 032december 2010 034 Join in our celebrations!

Key Stage One and Foundation Stage Christmas Performance


SEAL ‘thought’

Posted on Sunday 12 December 2010 by Mrs Taylor

Managing emotions, in particular anger, forms an important part of our SEAL Getting On theme.  This comment was posted by a parent in response to our calming down statement:

Prophet Muhammad gave this advice:

“When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down.  If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down.”

This is said because the likelihood of you lashing out, harming anyone and getting out of control is very difficult whilst sat down and almost impossible whilst lying down.

Thank you for this comment.

Swimming videos

Posted on Sunday 12 December 2010 by Mrs Taylor

Even though the Year 5 swimming sessions have finished for this term, there are some great video clips on this website (http://www.swimming.org/swimfit/) to help with developing and/or improving technique for the different swimming strokes.

Take a look and try them out if you go swimming during the holiday.

Holidays approaching…

Posted on Friday 10 December 2010 by Mr Roundtree

…so there are no spelling lists, tables or other homework this week.

Enjoy reading, writing (and possibly making?) Christmas cards, reflecting on this term’s topics and other activities.

Accordion assembly

Posted on Thursday 09 December 2010 by

Watch Year Four show off their accordion skills at 1.45 p.m on Friday 10 December!

Calendar working again

Posted on Wednesday 08 December 2010 by Mr Roundtree

Google tell us they have fixed the bug that was causing our calendar to display events on the wrong days, so we’ve reinstated it to the site.

Sorry for any confusion that was caused by the problem.

03 December 2010

Posted on Monday 06 December 2010 by

This week’s homework is creative. It is due in on Wednesday 08 December 2010.

I know about fractions.

03 December 2010

Posted on Monday 06 December 2010 by

This week’s spellings are adding ‘ing’. The words in the left column end in a consonant. As they have a short vowel sound before them we need to double up the consonants before we add the ‘ing’. These will be tested on Friday 10 December.

















Can you think of any more?