
06 December 2010

Posted on Monday 06 December 2010 by Mr Wilks

All the spellings this week are commonly used words.

Spellings 1-10 should be practised by the Nouns and Verbs. 1-13 should be practised by the Adjectives and Adverbs.

1. there

2. really

3. going

4. because

5. were

6. about

7. coming

8. believe

9. when

10. angry

11. happening

12. scared

13. shivering

Spellings will be tested on Friday 10 December. Good luck!

Problems with our calendar

Posted on Sunday 05 December 2010 by Mr Roundtree

We use Google Calendar to publish our timetable of events, meetings and holidays. Unfortunately, Google has identified a bug which is causing events to be shown on the wrong days. They’re working on the problem; until they find a fix we’ve taken the calendar page down.

The next few important dates on our calendar are:

  • Tuesday 14 December, 2.15pm – Reception, Y1 and Y2 Christmas production
  • Wednesday 15 December, 2.15pm – Reception, Y1 and Y2 Christmas production
  • Thursday 16 December, 2.30 to 4.30pm – PTA Christmas Fair
  • Friday 17 December – school closes for the holidays
  • Tuesday 04 January – school reopens

Sorry if you’ve been confused by our calendar recently!


Posted on Sunday 05 December 2010 by Mrs Wood

IMG_2117 IMG_2114 IMG_2108

SEAL statement 06 December

Posted on Sunday 05 December 2010 by Mrs Taylor

‘I can see things from other people’s point of view’ is the final SEAL statement for our Getting On theme.

This follows on from our work last week on solving problems where, as part of the problem solving process, children are encouraged to listen to each other to consider their feelings.

03 December 2010

Posted on Saturday 04 December 2010 by

The homework this week is ‘Creative’ and is due in Wednesday 08 December.

I can create a story mountain of my favourite traditional story.

I would like to see the children come up with some creative story mountains to structure their favourite traditional story.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Pictures of each stage of the story mountain.
  • Comic strip of each stage of the mountain.
  • Main characters at different places on the story mountain.

These ideas are only a guide; it’s completely up to you how you want to create your story mountain.

03 December 2010

Posted on Saturday 04 December 2010 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges all include the suffix ‘ful’.

Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 10 December 2010.


Bananas and Oranges

LO: High frequency words.

LO: Words with the suffix ‘ful’.

  • into
  • back
  • from
  • children
  • him
  • Mr
  • get
  • just
  • wishful
  • hopeful
  • sorrowful
  • painful
  • beautiful
  • forgetful
  • careful
  • useful

03 December 2010

Posted on Saturday 04 December 2010 by Mr Wilks

This week’s homework is a creative homework and is due in on Wednesday 08 December.

I can show what I have learnt about fractions.

When we discussed this as a class we thought of a few ideas:

  • Draw and shade fractions of different shapes.
  • Draw (or take photos) of different fractions that you see around you.
  • Create a fraction game or puzzle.
  • Show me some equivalent fractions.
  • Write some fraction word problems.

I will look forward to seeing a fraction bonanza on Wednesday!

03 December 2010

Posted on Friday 03 December 2010 by

This week, it’s Talk Time homework and is due in on Wednesday 08 December.

I can talk about what I have learnt in our topic ‘The Toy Box.’

What was your favourite piece of learning?

The homework last week was brilliant. I’m looking forward to discussing our topic next week!

03 December 2010

Posted on Friday 03 December 2010 by

This week we are learning to spell tricky words.

These will be tested on Friday 10 December.









03 December 2010

Posted on Friday 03 December 2010 by

Spellings this week are all superlatives. They all have an est ending (and some also have the rule of changing the ‘y’ to an ‘i , like angry becoming angriest). Choose four spellings from the list and find four of your own that follow the same rule.

Spellings will be tested on Friday 10 December.















