Helping each other to learn in Reception
This week the children have been helping each other learn. Will we be out of a job soon?
- A phonics lesson
Who will help me make the bread?
In the story of “The Little Red Hen”, nobody would help her make the bread. She did it all by herself. When we made some bread in Year 1, we worked together as a team and look at the fabulous bread we made.

Health Protection Agency advice
The Health Protection Agency report that they expect this to be a ‘normal’ flu season; they are no longer experiencing a pandemic. The virus that caused the 2009 pandemic, ‘swine flu’, may be one of the common flu viruses circulating this winter, but this is not a pandemic as the virus has been circulating in our communities for some time.
The most important measure to prevent the spread of flu is to have a flu vaccination of those in high risk groups. If any pupils are in high risk groups, they should get vaccinated through their GP surgery.
It is very important to try and prevent the spread of flu within schools by following the measures listed below:
- Any child with a fever should stay at home.
- They should not return to the school until they have had at least 48 hours without fever or other flu symptoms.
- Mouths should be covered when coughing and paper tissues used when noses are blown. The paper tissues should be promptly placed in a waste bin for disposal. We have tissues at school but it’s a good idea for your child to have their own, too.
- Because flu viruses can be carried on hands, please encourage your child to regularly wash their hands, particularly after noses are blown or wiped.
- People affected by fever should be encouraged to rest and to drink plenty of water or other fluids. This will speed up recovery. Some paracetamol in small amounts should make things more comfortable.
Most people affected by flu–like illness will start to improve after 2 to 3 days – children tend to get better quicker than adults. Rarely, those affected by flu-like illness may develop breathing problems. If that happens, they should contact their GP.
26 November 2010
The homework this week is ‘Creative’ and is due in Wednesday 30 November.
I can create a ‘Peaceful Problem Solving’ poster.
This is in response to our SEAL theme this week of ‘keeping calm’ and in preparation of next week’s ‘problem solving’ theme. I would like you to come up with posters for our SEAL wall which inform our school community on how to solve problems.
Here are some ideas for the poster, but feel free to do something even more original:
- A step by step guide for solving problems.
- Instructions of what to do if something goes wrong.
- A cartoon of a character that made the right choices in their problem.
- A poster that persuades children to make the right choices.
Wow me with your creativity, Year 2!
26 November 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are plurals where the ‘y’ is dropped and replaced with ‘ies’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 03 December.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words |
LO: Plurals with ‘ies’. |
26 November 2010
This is our final week of spelling words with prefixes. The spellings this week all have prefixes which change the meaning of the word to convey the opposite (synonyms). For example, tidy and untidy.
You will only be tested on the word with the prefix (words in bold). Nouns and verbs practise 1-10. Adjectives and adverbs practise 1-15.
1. well unwell
2. tidy untidy
3. usual unusual
4. certain uncertain
5. friendly unfriendly
6. selfish unselfish
7. agree disagree
8. comfort discomfort
9. appear disappear
10. obey disobey
11. pleasant unpleasant
12. approve disapprove
13. trust distrust
14. necessary unnecessary
15. appealing unappealing
Good luck!
26 November 2010
This week’s homework is a Talk Time homework and is due in on Wednesday 01 December.
I can talk to someone at home about how to stay safe close to water.
I look forward to speaking to you and finding out your top water safety tips!
26 November 2010
This week we are learning everyday words.
These will be tested on Friday 03 December.
come |
said |
have |
was |
my |
you |
this |
me |
26 November 2010
This week’s homework is creative.
I can add two numbers.
It’s due on Wednesday 01 December.
The children could:
- Show how to add, using pictures or objects.
- Calculate some number sentences.
- Create a game using addition.
- Go shopping and show how to add using money.
- Include a photograph.
Year 6 Forums
Our Year 6 forums will start next week. I spoke to the older members of our School Council about some guidelines that our pupils should follow so that they can communicate effectively but quickly. We agreed that the forums should be a balance of expressing opinions, demonstrating learning and asking questions, but also representing our school and our high standards.
Here are the guidelines that our councillors came up with:
- We will use positive language (just like everywhere at Moortown Primary).
- We will use capitals and full stops.
- We will try to spell all words correctly, but know that one or two words might be typos (accidental errors when we use a keyboard) and some words might be hard to spell but we still want to use (‘wow words’, for example).
- We will not use text speak (we know this is better for informal communications).
- We know that our teacher might choose not to publish a post that has too many errors, or might choose to correct these.
Thank you to Sally, Chanda, Rene and Aqsa for setting these guidelines.