Victorian Day
19 November 2010
The homework this week is Talk Time homework and is due in on Wednesday 24 October.
I can talk about toys from other countries.
- What toys do children have in other countries?
- Are any of them the same as the ones we have in England?
- Which of our toys come from outside England? How do you know?
- How much do toys cost in other countries?
Why not inspect your toy to see if you can find any clues?
19 November 2010
A This group is looking at the suffix ‘…ist‘ |
B This group is looking at the suffix ‘…ic‘ |
C This group is looking at the suffix ‘…ful‘ |
machinist violinist balloonist instrumentalist specialist stockist extremist guitarist |
photographic terrific allergic energetic scientific acidic heroic artistic |
hurtful wishful beautiful careful merciful wonderful painful delightful |
19 November 2010
The homework this week is ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ and is due in Wednesday 23 November.
I can add on a number line.
I would like Cubes to add along a number line with single digit numbers (e.g. 4 +3 = ?)
I would like Spheres to add along a number line with a two digit number and a single digit number (e.g. 23 + 5).
I would like Cylinders to add a single digit number onto a two digit number using an numberless number line. For example, in the sum 48 + 9 they should do as follows:
+2 +7
48 50 57
I would like Cones to add two digit numbers using the method above or this alternative: In the sum 23 + 35 they can:
+ 5 + 10 +10 +10
23 28 38 48 58
We don’t usually do ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ but I really feel the children would benefit from solving some subtraction calculations at home.
19 November 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges have plurals with an ‘s’.
Apples have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on 25 Friday 2010.
Apples |
Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words |
LO: Plurals with an ‘s’. |
November 18 2010
Your homework this week is creative and is due on Wednesday 24 November.
I can express my opinions about our Victorian Day.
We had lots of fun and interactive learning on Victorian Day. This creative homework is to explain all about the events and activities that the children experienced during the day.
This piece of work could be:
- drawings
- writing
- a picture collage
- an illustrated list
- your own idea!
Have fun!
Helping your child at home
Thank you to everyone who came to the curriculum meeting yesterday. If you could not make it please let us know as we will be arranging a morning session very soon for those parents who wish to attend.
For information on how we teach maths using Numicon there is a useful parent’s page on their website.
For more information on the correct pronunciation of phonemes this website is very useful.
19 November 2010
This week’s homework is creative.
I can tell the time.
It’s due on Wednesday 24 November.
The children could:
- Show the time on analogue clocks
- Show the time on digital clocks
- Calculate time intervals (durations)
- Create a timetable of a typical day
19 November 2010
This week’s spellings have the suffix ‘ness‘, which helps to change adjectives (describing words) like tidy into nouns (things) like tidiness. Can you change the words into adverbs (which often end in ‘…ly’) to describe how you might do something?
They also have the rule of ‘drop the y for an i‘. These spellings will be tested on Friday 26 November.
tidy |
tidiness |
silly |
silliness |
lovely |
loveliness |
happy |
happiness |
nasty |
nastiness |
cheery |
cheeriness |
guilty |
guiltiness |
healthy |
healthiness |
Can you think of any of your own? |
New Literacy Module: Traditional Stories
For the rest of the term, Year 2 will be plunged into a world of dragons, princesses and wizards. How much does your child already know about fairy tales and traditional stories? See what stories or characters they can take away from this picture below.
This would be a great time to introduce (or re-visit) stories at home like ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ etc. How well can your child describe the main character and how well can they describe the villain?