12 November 2010
This week’s spellings are linked to phonemes we are learning in class.
These will be tested on Friday 19 November.
Mrs. Weekes |
Mrs. Strange |
LO: Words that end in ‘y’. |
LO: Words with ‘ee’. |
12 November 2010
This week we have Talk Time homework that links to our topic. We will discuss the topic in class on Wednesday 17 November.
I know how to be safe around roads.
12 November 2010
This week’s spellings are adding ‘ies’ for plurals. It also links to the rule of ‘drop the y for an i’. These will be tested on Friday 19 November. The children can try to think of any other words that follow this rule!
Singular |
Plural |
army |
armies |
berry |
berries |
party |
parties |
puppy |
puppies |
baby |
babies |
jelly |
jellies |
penny |
pennies |
ferry |
ferries |
12 November 2010
Here are your spelling lists for this week. They are based on verbs in the past tense.
Spellings will be tested on Friday 19 November.
A |
B |
C |
videoed disobeyed quarrelled signalled undiscovered dedicated experimented designed |
married spied listened delayed carried laughed decided happened |
cried carried waited finished coloured stopped arrived happened |
12 November 2010
Your homework this week is Creative and is due in on Wednesday 17 November.
I can get into role and express myself as a Victorian character.
Next week, we are having a Victorian Day. Children have been asked to come dressed as a Victorian character and produce a piece of work about their character. They will be asked to talk about their work for five minutes on Victorian Day.
This piece of work could be:
- A PowerPoint
- A biography
- A timeline
- A cartoon strip about your life in Victorian times
- An interview with you answering questions about your life
or, of course, your own idea!
Have fun!
Remember: stick to one page in your homework book and extend the page if you need to!
Takeover Day 2010
Tomorrow is Takeover Day!
This is a national event that we promote and celebrate at Moortown Primary. It offers the chance for children and young people across the country to work with adults and get involved in decision-making. Children can gain skills, knowledge and inspiration and experience in some way the world of work.
Last year, we were one of two Leeds schools to be selected to go to Merrion House and visit the Chief Executive of Education Leeds. The children had a working lunch and considered various issues facing schools today. They also enjoyed visiting the offices and seeing all the different people who support teaching and learning in Leeds.
This year, we’ve volunteered our skills again! A group of older children will visit the Healthy Schools team for Leeds. We’re such a great example of a happy and healthy school, I’m sure our children will be able to help the team in many ways!
Tomorrow, children in each class will take over part of the day. They might teach the new spelling rules, they might read a story, they might talk about topics! One child from each class will also lead the Friday Assembly – they’ll choose the people who deserve certificates, for example!
Health Group meeting 12 Nov 2.45pm
Our Health Group (parents / carers) will be meeting this Friday 12 November at 2.45pm in the school library.
We shall be discussing food in school and drug education.
All are welcome to attend – hope to see you there.
Reception are happy learning together!
Our SEAL Theme is ‘Getting On’. Reception are happy to learn together!
In PE we have been extremely lucky to have had coaches take Year Four for multiskills lessons. These lessons have focused on throwing, catching and balancing. These sessions will continue once a week until the next school holiday. I will teach the other weekly session of PE. We will focus on netball and basketball skills.
Try out the game about feelings!
Try the game about feelings which links to our PSHCE this half term.