
The Big Pedal is back!

Posted on Friday 20 April 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Get set… we’re taking part in Sustrans Big Pedal 2018, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling and scooting challenge, that inspires pupils, staff and parents to choose two (or three) wheels for their journey to school.

The Big Pedal will run alongside our year round Living Streets WOW sustainable travel initiative where the children record how they travel to school on our daily travel tracker.

The Big Pedal challenge focuses on journeys made by bike and scooter and runs from 23 April to 04 May.  We would love everyone to be involved.

The details

On each day of the challenge, schools compete to see who can record the greatest number of pupils, staff and parents cycling or scooting to school. Our best five days will determine our final position in the challenge. We’ll be competing against other schools right across the UK, and if we clock up the most bike and scooter journeys, we’ll win!

 Why we’re taking part

It’s a great way to get more of our pupils travelling to school on their bikes and scooters. We will be competing to become one of the UK’s top schools for two-wheeled journeys and will be in with a chance to win prizes including bike and scooter stunt shows and fantastic cycle and scooter storage.

What’s next?

All you need to do is encourage your child(ren) to cycle or scoot to school every day during the event, and join them on their way.

If you do need the car to bring your child(ren) to school, you could park further away from school and bike or scoot the last part.

Using technology in the classroom

Posted on Wednesday 28 March 2018 by Mrs Wood

The children are hunting for tricky words using a QR reader on the iPads.

Space art!

Posted on Wednesday 28 March 2018 by Mrs Wood

We’ve had a busy morning painting, printing and making space-themed art!

Don’t forget our phonics mornings!

Posted on Monday 26 March 2018 by Mrs Wood

Come and learn how to support your child’s reading and writing at home.

See you there!

Living and Learning – Body Image

Posted on Wednesday 21 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

In our Living and Learning sessions, our current theme is ‘Body Image’. During the first session, we discussed the importance of talking about ourselves in a positive way. The children shared their positive thoughts about themselves on big pieces of paper.

In our second ‘Body Image’ session,  we talked about how each and every person is different and that it is important to celebrate the different qualities that each person has. First, we found a partner and described the differences and similarities between us and our partner.

After this, we walked around the classroom and gave a compliment to a friend about one of their qualities.

Our football coaching continues…

Posted on Tuesday 20 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Written by Stan: Today in football we practised shooting. First off, we just worked in our groups -Nishaan, Stan, Grace and Pavan (who was hurt so she didn’t play). We practised free kicks. Then, someone would lay the shooter  and they would hopefully score. We did that until Miss Rushbrooke called us in. After Miss called us in, we played 4 corners – if you know how to play 4 corners, you will know how to play 6 corners; it is basically the same game just with 6 corners instead. We played that until the end of the lesson.

Written by Aleena: In this session, we started off by getting into a circle and stretching our bodies. Hibba was our physio, Edward was our manager, Matthew was our kit manager, Megan was our coach  and I was our press officer. After getting our hearts beating , we then played six corners.This is where there are 6 teams which try to get each other out .We all had a number. Number one would be the least confident player and number five would be the most confident player. We played two games and it was very enjoyable. There were a few people that were a bit negative. But most people put all of their effort into the game. Megan especially stood out. She helped the less confident players. Overall, I  think today’s lesson was very good.

Written by Archie: This week in PE , Year 6 continued football. Today, we have been practising shooting. Our team put one person in the net, one person in defence and the other three were attacking. After training was done, we got in a circle and passed the ball to random people. Then, we got into six corners. Our group only won once but when someone lost, Phoenix said: ‘If you had fun, then you won.’

Written by Owen: In this week’s football session we practised shooting and passing. Near the end we played four corners – well six corners. But apart from that, my group (Stanley, Saleem, Brandon and me – Owen) played very well and so did others. To sum up this week’s session, it went very well.


16 March 2018

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Mrs Freeman

This week, we’ve continued learning about words that end in a ‘shun’ sound. The children have been given some sentences and they need to write them out into their homeworks books. They need to add the appropriate ‘tion‘ word and underline it.

Presentation is important in all books and we expect to see a high standard of well presented work in homework books, too!

For some children, this needs to improve!

Times tables

By the end of Year 4, the children need to know all times tables. This includes the 11 and 12 tables also. Along with the multiplications, the children also need to know the division facts for each calculation.

4 x 6 = 24                     24 divided by 4 = 6

6 x 4 = 24                     24 divided by 6 = 4

Next week, the class will be tested on the 6 and 7 times tables.

Pencil grip matters

Posted on Monday 12 March 2018 by Mrs Wood

Does it really matter how your child holds their pencil?

Yes, it does! It can make a huge difference to the ease and efficiency with which s/he writes. 

A dynamic tripod grip-the preferred grip-allows your child to write quickly and fluently and requires only tiny movements of the muscles in the hand.

Habits such as how we hold a pencil are formed early on. In Reception we teach pencil grip and plan activities that help develop strong hand and finger muscles.

Please encourage your child to use the tripod grip at home.

Show and tell

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Mrs Wood

Wow! What an amazing ‘show and tell’! Talk to your child about what’s happening here.

Don’t forget…

Posted on Tuesday 27 February 2018 by Mrs Wood

Today’s Phonics Superstar would like to remind you about our phonics mornings this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

See you there!