
Class Assembly

Posted on Sunday 31 October 2010 by

Well done to the whole class for an excellent effort with their class assembly!

Don’t forget ‘Relax and Read’ every Wednesday!

Posted on Sunday 31 October 2010 by Mrs Wood


SEAL statement 1 November

Posted on Saturday 30 October 2010 by Mrs Taylor

This half term our SEAL theme is all about Getting On and our first statement is ‘I can work co-operatively to help a group.’ 

The SEAL theme Getting On focusses on four main aspects:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict

Group work takes place across all lessons and even at lunchtime and playtimes.  Some questions for children to consider are:

  • Did everyone take turns?
  • Did everyone listen to what other people thought?
  • Did each person have chance to tell the group what they thought?
  • If people had different ideas could the group reach a compromise?

Half-term holiday

Posted on Friday 22 October 2010 by Mr Roundtree

Our policy is not to give homework in the holidays.  However, if you’d like to support your child’s learning at home, have a look at the Homework Tips for Parents (which has ideas for extra practice) and the National Expectations section (which should give you some ideas about what to learn more about).

Don’t forget: all children should be reading on a daily basis: comics, books, websites.  Why not make a trip to the library this holiday?

Older children should also practise times tables (why not re-cap all the tables you’ve practised so far this year?).

Class Novel: A Bad Spell for the Worst Witch

Posted on Tuesday 19 October 2010 by

Following on from our first class novel (‘The Worst Witch’), Class 2 have entered into the world of Mildred Hubble again in ‘A Bad Spell for the Worst Witch’. If you answer a question right about the story then you become one of the lucky ones to wear Mildred Hubble’s own hat!

Mildred Hubble casting spells in the classroom.
Mildred Hubble casting spells in the classroom.

Those who wear the hat are said to inherit her magical powers. Luckily none of the children have turned me into a frog yet!

New Literacy Module: Instructions (Video)

Posted on Tuesday 19 October 2010 by

The children have started their new literacy learning, which is all about instructions. We have been practising reading and writing instructions, and even doing the actions!

Tomorrow we are going to see if we can write some instructions on how to make a sandwich!

PE with Leeds Met Sports Coaching Students

Posted on Monday 18 October 2010 by Mrs Taylor

Year 3 are just one of a number of classes who are currently working with Sports Coaching students from Leeds Met as part of their school placement.  The sessions have been very active and enjoyable with the children learning and practising lots of multiskills.

Ball skills
Ball skills
More ball skills
More ball skills

Buddy’s Workout!

Posted on Sunday 17 October 2010 by Mrs Wood

The Reception children took part in a mini aerobic session to raise money for the NSPCC. All the children took part and completed their workout. Please could you send any sponsor money to school by Thursday. Thank you for your support.IMG_1997IMG_1999IMG_2000

SEAL statement 18 October

Posted on Saturday 16 October 2010 by Mrs Taylor

The last statement as part of our New Beginnings SEAL theme is I can make my class a good place to learn.’

Class contracts and routines are fully in place now so staff will be looking out for children who make good choices to enable their class to have a positive learning environment.

NSPCC – Buddy’s Big Workout

Posted on Saturday 16 October 2010 by

To raise money for one of our nominated charities, the NSPCC, the children in Year 1 have completed their fun physical activity. We hopped, jumped, bounced and even did some step-ups! By doing our activity, we earned 94 points!

Well done children.

This number (94) needs to be entered onto the NSPCC sponsor form. Forms should be returned to school by Thursday 21 October 2010. Thank you for your support.