
15 October 2010

Posted on Saturday 16 October 2010 by

The homework this week is Talk Time homework and is due in on Wednesday 20 October.

I can talk to someone about what toys were like in the past.

I look forward to hearing about some of the interesting things that you have found out during ‘show and tell’ on Wednesday.

15 October 2010

Posted on Saturday 16 October 2010 by

The learning objective for this list is to spell words with the ’ch’ sound.

These will be tested on Thursday 21 October, instead of Friday as the children are not in school.


15 October 2010

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by

This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges are all compound words – that’s two words joined to make one.

Apples have some high-frequency words to remember.

They will be tested on Thursday 21 October (one day earlier than usual!).

Apples Bananas and Oranges
LO: High-frequency words LO: Compound words
  • can
  • are
  • up
  • had
  • my
  • her
  • what
  • there
  • bedroom
  • cupboard
  • football
  • paintbrush
  • playground
  • popcorn
  • sandwich
  • upstairs

15 October 2010

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by

This week, it’s Talk Time homework and is due in on Wednesday 20 October.

I can talk about pushes and pulls.

  • What forces do you know about already?
  • Can you give me examples of a push?
  • Can you give me examples of a pull?
  • Can you see forces? How do you know they are there?
  • What push and pull do you do the most?

This homework will really help you in our topic. I can’t wait to hear what you already know!

NSPCC Buddy’s Big Workout

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

In PE this morning we took on Buddy’s Big Workout!

To fit in with our PE topic, we had decided to try and complete 100 throws and catches. It wasn’t easy. There were a few missed catches. There were a few erratic throws.

But we did manage to make the 100 target! The last throw was a bit tense, but Pamela’s throw was straight and Loraine’s catch was perfect!

It’s now time to get the sponsorship envelopes back in to school. All envelopes need to be in before Thursday 21 October.

Thank you.

15 October 2010

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

We are taking a break from our ‘le’ rule this week to practise spelling the months of the year.

A word of warning – capital letters are a must for all of this week’s spellings and will be marked as incorrect on Thursday if they do not have one!

1. January

2. February

3. March

4. April

5. May

6. June

7. July

8. August

9. September

10. October

11. November

12. December

Good luck.

15 October 2010

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

It was fantastic to hear all the things you found out from last week’s talk time homework. A big thank you to those who had to delve back a long way in their memories, and also to those whose didn’t have to delve too far!

The homework this week is creative and is due in on Wednesday 20 October.

I can see 2d and 3d shapes around me.

We had a talk as a class about this and came up with some brilliant ideas for what we could do. Ideas included:

  • Taking pictures of some 2d and 3d shapes you see.
  • Sketching some shapes you see at home.
  • Making an object, such as a person or animal out of lots of different shapes.
  • Creating a shape collage out of pictures from a magazine
  • Making some pop-up 3d shapes – good luck with that one!

I will look forward to seeing what you have created on Wednesday. Best of luck!

Raising money for NSPCC

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by

Well done to Year Four!

This week, as part of the sponsored event each class has been doing, we have received 20 points each day for doing extra Wake Up Shake Up. Therefore, each child has 100 points.

Sponsor money raised for the NSPCC should be returned to school by Thursday 21 October. Thank you.

15 October 2010

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by

The homework this week is a talk time homework. It is due in on Wednesady 20 October.

I can discuss how promotions are used.

Promotional language can be found on television, radio, in magazines, leaflets and posters. You might find some examples too!

15 October 2010

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by

This week’s spellings are have a simple rule: adding ‘s’ to make plurals (more than one).  We don’t use apostrophes to do this!

There is space on the list for the children to challenge themselves and think of more difficult words that follow the same pattern (there’s one used in this homework post!).

These will be tested on Thursday 21 October, instead of Friday, as the children are not in school.

Singular Plural
game games
pond ponds
bean beans
rope ropes
pocket pockets
window windows
display displays
table tables
board boards
school schools
Can you think of any more?