
15 October 2010

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by

Homework this week is creative.

I can produce a piece of work for a class display on Victorians.

You could try any of the following styles:

  • A poster on publisher or powerpoint using your ICT skills
  • A model
  • A story
  • How about a quiz? Or a crossword?
  • You could produce a timeline of events in Victorian times
  • Some work on Queen Victoria.
  • Why not try some Artwork?
  • Your own idea

Completed tasks needs to be handed in by Wednesday 20 October.

Have fun!

15 October 2010

Posted on Friday 15 October 2010 by

Spellings are again based on spelling families.

Spellings will be tested on Thursday 23 October.

Set A phobia claustrophobia arachnophobia agoraphobia xenophobia

ology archaeology biology geology zoology

Set B tele telephone television teleport telecom

graph autograph telegraph photograph graphic

Set C re replay reply reconsider repeat

pre preview prehistoric previous prevent

Reading with your child

Posted on Thursday 14 October 2010 by

The commitment of parents / carers to reading with their child at home is fantastic. It’s clear to see in the classroom that children are becoming more confident with a variety of different texts.

We now have a ‘Reading Basket‘ where your child can place their book if they feel they are ready for a new one.  If your child has finished reading the book given, however, I suggest that before they change their book they demonstrate to you a further understanding of the text by completing one of the following activities:

  • Hot seating the main characters. This is where your child takes the place of a character in the book and is asked questions relating to their feelings. Alternatively, you could become one of the main characters and get your child to ask you questions.
  • A book review. I have templates available or you could just do a review with your child orally.
  • Reading without pictures. Ask questions about the text whilst reading through the book with the pictures covered. Can they find the word which describes how the main character is feeling? If you want to have some ideas of questions to ask the children when they are reading, please feel free to speak to me.

Also, remember that reading other texts, aside from reading books, is also very important. The children will benefit reading material that is in their everyday life. Books from the library, comics and even magazines are a great way for children to become accustomed to alternative texts.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask and thank you for your support with your child’s reading.

Maths this week: 11 October

Posted on Thursday 14 October 2010 by

Year 2 pretend to be lazy mexicans in their maths lesson.
How can taking a siesta help the Year 2s? Ask your child!

Children have been practising their number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.

Go to this website to practise number bonds to 10.

Too easy? Go to this website to practise number bonds to 20.

If you’re really confident why not practise number bonds to 100.

What a perfect cube!

Posted on Thursday 14 October 2010 by

Some children had so much fun making their 3D shapes that they thought they were in a DT lesson instead of maths!
Some children had so much fun making their 3D shapes that they thought they were in a DT lesson instead of maths!


Posted on Thursday 14 October 2010 by

After half term the children will be taking their guided reading books home to read. It is vital that these books are still in school each day so I would advise that the children keep them in their book bags whenever they are not reading them.

Class Assembly

Posted on Thursday 14 October 2010 by

Don’t forget – Year Four’s class assembly is on Thursday 21 October at 2.40 pm. We hope to see you there!


Posted on Thursday 14 October 2010 by

Welcome to Fatima who joined Year Four on Monday. We all hope Fatima has had a great first week at Moortown!

Autumn Walk

Posted on Tuesday 12 October 2010 by Mrs Wood

IMG_1991IMG_1994IMG_1993We had a great time on our Autumn walk !

Finding right angles in the playground!

Posted on Tuesday 12 October 2010 by Mr Wilks

Finding right angles in the playground
Finding right angles in the playground