08 October 2010
The homework this week is Creative and due in Wednesday 13th October.
I can invent a toy.
Ask yourself these questions first:
- What is my toy made of?
- Is my toy of the past, present or future?
- Who is my toy for? Is it for girls, boys or maybe even adults?
- How much would my toy cost?
- What does your toy look like? Draw a small diagram with labels.
- You could write a list of instructions of how to build your toy.
- You could draw an advert of your toy.
It’s up to you! Let’s see if you can show me how your toy is better than others!
08 October 2010
The homework this week is Creative homework and is due in on Wednesday 13 October.
I can show what I think about our class novel Street Child.
Here are a few ideas for you:
- A recount of the story so far
- A diary written from Jim’s point of view
- Character portraits
- A comic strip version of the story
- A timeline of the events
- A mind map of all the emotions Jim has experienced
- A prediction of what will happen next
- Your own idea!
Have Fun!
08 October 2010
This week we are learning to spell words with prefixes that have a particular meaning. Children have been asked to add two more words to their spellings using the same prefix.
Set A: Aqua and Aero
aquarium, Aquarius, aquatic, aquaplane
aeroplane, aerodrome, aeronauts, aerodynamic
Set B: Micro and Audi
microscope, microfilm, microphone, microcosm
audible, audience, audition, auditorium
Set C: Super and bi
supernatural, Superman, supernova, superpower
bicycle, biped, binoculars, binary
Spellings will be tested on Friday 15 October.
08 October 2010
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect. It links to our current literacy unit. It’s a chance for the children to practise what they have learnt!
It is due in on Wednesday 13 October 2010.
Write a short script with at least four speaking parts.
A script has:
A title eg. Cinderella
A cast eg. Cinderella, Stepsisters, Stepmother, Prince, Fairy Godmother
Names on the left, colon, stage directions, dialogue, NO SPEECH MARKS
eg. Cinderella: (Wearily scrubbing the floor whilst wiping away tears) I’m so unhappy.
Extra stage directions in brackets eg. (Cinderella slowly bends down to pick up the invitation.)
New line for a new speaker
08 October 2010
Like last week, spellings are adjectives and adverbs and how we can change between each.
This week the adjectives all end in ‘y’. We have to drop the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ before we add ‘ly’.
Adjective(Describes noun) | Adverb(Describes verb) |
weary | wearily |
sleepy | sleepily |
scary | scarily |
happy | happily |
grumpy | grumpily |
lucky | luckily |
angry | angrily |
bumpy | bumpily |
Now can you think of your own? | |
These spellings will be tested on Friday 15 October 2010.
Health Week feedback
Thank you to all parents and carers who have made such positive comments about our recent Health Week.
Our Health group (pupils) met this week with some great examples of how Health Week has enabled them to make even healthier choices. Some of the comments from the meeting include:
- “I’ll eat more fruit now.” Bailey, Year 1
- “I’ll keep doing more exercise at home.” Zakir, Year 2
- “I will try to do more sport and exercise at home rather than watching the TV.” Arjun, Year 3
- “I am going to ride my bike more at home.” Amit, Year 3
- “I’ve asked my mum if we can get a blender to make our own smoothies at home.” Bethany, Year 3
- “After using the trampolines at Allerton Grange I am going to use my own more at home.” Connor, Year 4
- “I eat more fruit now including mango which I hadn’t tried before.” Connor, Year 4
- “I enjoy Family Fridays where I spend more time with my family doing exercise.” Ebony, Year 4
- “I am going to cut down the number of unhealthy snacks I have.” Ajay, Year 5
Following the introduction of our Packed Lunch Guidance, a number of children are already trying ways to make their lunch healthier:
- “My mum has suggested that I only bring crisps on Mondays as a treat, instead of every day, and I am going to try this.” Amit, Year 3
- “Following the Health Group meeting for parents, about packed lunches, I now send a chocolate biscuit once a week rather than every day and my children see it more like a treat.” Parent
- “I’ve stopped bringing a Fruit Shoot with my packed lunch as I have the water on the table instead.” Husna, Year 4
We would love to hear more Health Week feedback.
01 October 2010
Homework this week is talk-time homework and is based around our topic ‘Vile Victorians’.
It is due in Wednesday 06 October
Discuss with your family the work Victorian Children had to do. Show them the websites we have looked at in school and ask what they think of working conditions for children.
01 October 2010
Spellings this week are taken from a SAT paper.
They will be tested on Friday 8 October.
SEAL statement 4 October
This week some children will receive a certificate if they show evidence of our weekly statement, ‘I can solve a problem.’
Problem solving is something we do lots of in maths but how might you solve a problem at playtime, lunchtime or maybe at home?
Through our SEAL work in the Getting On theme, next half term, we shall be looking more closely at how to use the Peaceful Problem Solving technique.
01 October 2010
The homework this week is Creative and is due in on Wednesday 6th October.
I can write a short playscript about something that happened at the weekend.
This homework links in with our literacy topic of playscripts.
Your playscript could be about:
- a trip to the shops
- an unexpected encounter with an alien!
- a chance meeting with a celebrity
Make it as likely or unlikely as you wish!
I will look forward to seeing your creations on Wednesday!
Good luck.