01 October 2010
This week’s spellings are all verbs. They are a combination of the two rules we have learnt so far.
1. meeting
2. amazing
3. slimming
4. raising
5. driving
6. kicking
7. rolling
8. splitting
9. considering
10. Think of one of your own!
Spellings will be tested on Friday 8th October. Good luck!
01 October 2010
The Learning Objective for this list is I can spell everyday words.
These words will be tested on Friday 8th October.
are |
the |
with |
at |
for |
as |
my |
has |
Literacy this week: 27 September

Maths this week: 27 September
In Maths, the children this week have been working on 3-D shapes, money problems and number patterns. They will benefit from practising their money skills on this fun game on the BBC.
Here are some of the children showing how they can do some complex patterns:

Abbey House Museum Trip

Class 2’s behaviour was nothing short of exemplary, leading one of the members of the museum to comment that we were one of the best behaved schools ever to visit Abbey House.
Hello to all the parents and family of Year 2!
I would like to introduce myself to parents that I have not met yet, as well as informing everyone of the exciting learning that has been taking place at Moortown this week.
We have started our new topic this week, which is ‘Toybox’ as I’m sure you’re aware in relation to the trip to Abbey House (I have posted some pictures of the children outside Kirkstall Abbey).
Please see other posts to find out what we have being doing in Maths and Literacy.
Kind regards,
Mr Redfearn
01 October 2010
This week, it’s Talk Time homework and is due in on Wednesday 6th October.
I can talk about what I learnt at Abbey House.
- What different kinds of toys were discovered at Abbey House Museum?
- What are the major differences between toys a hundred years ago and toys today?
- What materials are used to make toys?
- What is a replica?
- What was your favourite piece of learning at Abbey House?
The homework last week was brilliant. I’m looking forward to discussing our trip next week!
01 October 2010
This week’s spellings for Bananas and Oranges groups all include prefixes ‘al’ and ‘de’.
Apples group have some high-frequency words to remember. They will be tested on Friday 08 October 2010.
Apples | Bananas and Oranges |
LO: High-frequency words | LO: Prefixes with ‘al and ‘de’. |
Hunting for Mildred

In Literacy we have been looking at the story of Dogger. It is the endearing story of how Dave’s beloved Dogger was lost and found. We experienced the same emotional journey as Dave by hunting for our Year 1 crocodile, Mildred, who was eventually found in Mr Roundtree’s office!
Here are some pictures of us hunting for Mildred.

01 October 2010
Practice Makes Perfect:
This week’s homework is to practise high frequency words. These are words that your child will come across regularly in their reading books.
- Let your child read through the words. If he/she can read the word colour it in.
- Continue doing this until your child can read all the words independently.
- PLEASE be aware that children may not know all the words, but with practice and repetition these words will become familiar.
- This piece of homework may take a few weeks, so please keep referring to it.
If you have any questions just ask Mrs Maver or Mrs Weekes.