
School dinners

Posted on Friday 05 February 2010 by Mr Roundtree

After the half-term, we will offer once again some school meals which contain beef.

The decision to remove beef was taken a long time ago.  Mrs Taylor, leader for health at Moortown Primary, and Mr Roundtree have recently met with the school nutritionist for Leeds Catering, who provide our school meals.  We all agree that beef can be a valuable source of nutrition and are keen to offer this.

Vegetarian options and sandwiches are still available.

Our caretaker

Posted on Wednesday 03 February 2010 by Mr Roundtree

After Mr Duffey sadly passed away in the Autumn term, we were without a caretaker for our school.

I’m pleased to tell you that from Monday 01 February, Mrs Paula Barton began a new job in school: Facilities Assistant, a job which involves much of what Mr Duffey used to do in looking after the school.  Mrs Barton is already a familiar face around school – she’s our cook!  You’ll see Mrs Barton around school at the start and end of the day.

Someone you’re less likely to see will be our new Maintenance Assistant.  This is Mr Nigel Barton (Mrs Barton’s husband) who will do any maintenance and repair jobs around school.  Mr Barton will work when needed, and this will often be after the school day.

You may be interested to know that the money collected following Mr Duffey’s death will be used to buy a bird box as he loved birds so much.  We continue to miss him around school.

SEAL statement 1st February

Posted on Sunday 31 January 2010 by Mrs Taylor

This week our statement is ‘I can give a compliment.’  Maybe you might give the compliment to one of your friends in your class, another child in school or one of the adults who you see around school.  It will make their day!

SEAL statement 25th January

Posted on Sunday 24 January 2010 by Mrs Taylor

Our SEAL statement for this week is ‘I can solve a problem with a friend.’

Look out for the Peaceful Problem Solving posters around school to help to solve any problems.  The poster will give suggestions for how to sort out the problem by talking about it with your friend.  All the calming down strategies you looked at last week might come in handy!

Haiti Earthquake

Posted on Wednesday 20 January 2010 by Mr Roundtree

All of us are shocked and saddened by the dreadful stories and images from Haiti.  Delivered appropriately, at the right level, it’s important that such big stories are talked about in school.  In the Y1-2 topic Heroes, the teachers will spend some time thinking about how ordinary people can be heroes at times like these – UK firefighters going to Haiti to help, for example.  The Y3-4 topic Where in the World? is also a good way to discuss the issues and answer questions and concerns.  Y5-6 will also talk about the earthquake, though not specifically linked to any topic work.


On the next two Friday afternoons (22 and 29 January) from 3.00pm, we will be having a fund-raising sale in the hall.

We’ve been having a clear-out of books and will be selling lots of old but perfectly readable (and very enjoyable!) books.  Some parents have also suggested preparing food to sell which is a wonderful idea – your contributions will be very much appreciated, I’m sure.  Any food you prepare, please bring on the day. 

If you prefer to simply make a donation, you can do so by posting a contribution in an envelope marked ‘earthquake’ into our Postbox or direct to the Office staff.

Thank you.

Have you seen our Forums page?

Posted on Sunday 17 January 2010 by Mr Roundtree

Year 6 children have been the first to contribute to the new forums on the website. So far, there have been some comments about our recent Super Science day. Miss Kieran has also started a discussion about the Snowbound topic and homework.

Keep checking the Forums page (it’s in the green Join In section) for discussions from other classes.

SEAL statement 18th January

Posted on Sunday 17 January 2010 by Mrs Taylor

Our SEAL statement for this week is ‘I can keep calm and overcome feelings of anger.’

What strategy do you use to keep calm?  Do you do fist flowers, breathe deeply in and out or tell someone how you feel?  For some other ideas look at the calming down strategies on the keyrings around school.

SEAL statement 11th January

Posted on Sunday 10 January 2010 by Mrs Taylor

This week’s SEAL statement is ‘I can be a good friend.’ Try to share some friendship tokens around school this week!

There are a number of good books about friendship.  Some examples are:

  • Reception –  ‘Friends’ (by Kathryn Cave) and ‘Will you forgive me?’ (by Sally Grindley)
  • Year 1/2 – ‘The lonely giraffe’ (by Peter Blight) and ‘The rainbow fish’ (by Marcus Pfister)
  • Year 3/4 – ‘The Snow Queen’ (by Hans Christian Andersen) and ‘Voices in the park’ (by Anthony Browne)
  • Year 5/6 – ‘Cloudbusting’ (by Malorie Blackman) and ‘Granny Torrelli makes soup’ (by Sharon Creech)

The best place for up-to-date information

Posted on Wednesday 06 January 2010 by Mr Roundtree

Our website and Twitter page are the best places to find up-to-date information about whether we are closed.

We also use ParentMail, but mobile networks are sometimes jammed because of overuse – this is happening at the moment due to so much demand on the networks between 06:30 and 09:00. We’re sorry texts haven’t got through recently – it’s out of our control.

We contact Leeds City Council, BBC Radio Leeds and Radio Aire. However, there are many delays using this system. It is not the most efficient and it is not always up-to-date or accurate.

We are usually available to take telephone enquiries from around 07:30. However, there’s a heavy demand and you may struggle to get through.

Follow us on Twitter or check the blue Twitter box on the homepage of this website. This information is prompt and accurate. We are one of the few schools in the country able to provide such up-to-the-minute information.

If you’re on Vodafone, O2, Orange or 3 you can also receive our tweets by text message. Here’s how:

First, set up your mobile:

  • Sign up for an account with Twitter if you don’t already have one.
  • Text the word START to 86444.
  • You’ll receive a text from Twitter. Reply to this text with your Twitter username.
  • You’ll receive another text from Twitter. Reply with your Twitter password.
  • You’ll receive another text from Twitter. Reply with the word OK.
  • You’ll receive a final text from Twitter confirming your phone is set up.

Next, set up your Twitter account:

  • Go to your ‘settings’ on Twitter (top right hand corner of the page)

Link to Twitter settings

  • Next, click on ‘Mobile’

Link to mobile settings

  • Set ‘Device Updates’ to ON and click Save. You can also decide to turn off these text messages overnight, but remember that we’ll tweet really important information as early as we can, so it might be best to leave them turned on at all times.

Set Device Updates

  • Now go to our Twitter page (twitter.com/moortownprimary). Make sure you are following us (click on the ‘Follow’ button if you’re not already) and then click on the Mobile button to start to receive texts from us. When the icon is green, you are receiving our tweets by text. To turn them off click again and the icon will turn grey.

Receive our tweets by text

New SEAL theme

Posted on Tuesday 05 January 2010 by Mrs Taylor

Our SEAL theme for this half term is ‘Getting On‘ and our first weekly statement is ‘I can work cooperatively to help a group‘.

This week staff will be looking for group skills across school and those children will be recognised in our Friday celebration assembly.