
League Tables

Posted on Wednesday 02 December 2009 by Mr Roundtree

Our performance in this year’s government league tables is good – learning and progress are above average based on 2009 Key Stage 2 data (ie Year 6 SATs results).

Maths results are especially strong. (See our full results on the DCSF website.)

An area in which we must improve is attendance. Our overall absence rate is 6.2%, which is higher than both the Leeds average (5.9%) and the national average (5.5%). This might not sound a lot but (compared to England as a whole) it’s equivalent to more than one extra day’s absence per child per year. Research shows that increased absence undermines children’s learning and social development.

Term time holidays have a big impact on absence rates in our school. It’s our policy to turn down requests for unnecessary absence during the school term so please check with school before booking your child’s holiday.


Posted on Tuesday 17 November 2009 by Mr Roundtree

We have installed a postbox just inside the main entrance, opposite the office. Rather than queue to see Mrs O’Malley, you’re welcome to post through any payments eg dinner money – please make sure they are in an envelope and labelled.

Also, if you’ve got any suggestions and would rather write this on a note, please use the postbox for these, too. This means that your comments could be anonymous if you prefer.

Inclusion Chartermark

Posted on Tuesday 17 November 2009 by Mr Roundtree

We’re very proud to have been awarded the Inclusion Chartermark.  It’s fantastic to be recognised as having great inclusive practice because effective inclusion helps all our pupils: gifted and talented and those with learning difficulties; native English speakers and those with English as an additional language; confident, active pupils and quiet, shy learners.

Here are a few quotes from the report:

…a wonderful working, learning and playing

The school radiates an atmosphere of trust, warmth, fun and a sense of belonging.

Relationships are at the heart of the school life.

Pupils comment that their teachers made learning fun.

Well done to all our staff, pupils and parents.  A special mention must go to Mrs Weekes, our Inclusion Manager, who has worked so hard in the last couple of years to make our practice in this area even better.

Welcome to new staff

Posted on Tuesday 17 November 2009 by Mr Roundtree

At the end of last term we were sad to say goodbye to Mrs Shabir; in her time at Moortown Primary, Mrs Shabir qualified as a teacher and the time was right for her to pursue her career further.  We wish her every success.

We are, however, very excited to say hello to three new (temporary) teaching assistants: Mr Tyagi (in Reception), Miss Heap (Y1, Y2 and Y4) and Miss O’Mahoney (Y3).  Check out a picture of them that we posted on our Twitter account!

Open Morning for Prospective Parents

Posted on Thursday 06 August 2009 by Mr Roundtree

14 September 2009, 10.00 am

We are holding an Open Morning for prospective parents of children joining our Reception class in September 2010. Any interested parents are welcome — please call to confirm attendance.

Alternatively, we are happy to arrange individual visits if that time doesn’t suit.

Email us or call 0113 268 5915 if you would like to come and look round our happy and successful school.

Zachariah, Year 2

Posted on Wednesday 13 May 2009 by James Ward

“I find Maths easier now because my teacher helps me.”

Zachariah, Year 2

Raising funds

Posted on Wednesday 22 April 2009 by Mr Roundtree

If you ever shop online, there’s a free and easy way to raise money for Friends PTA.

easyfundraising.org.uk is a ‘cashback’ site that donates money to our school (up to 15%) whenever you purchase something through them. With over 600 retailers, including John Lewis and Amazon, there’s a wide range, plus many exclusive vouchers to help you save money.

Visit easyfundraising.org.uk/moortownps to register for our school.

Lollipop staff wanted!

Posted on Wednesday 22 April 2009 by Mr Roundtree

Do you know anyone who could be our School Crossing Patrol Warden?

They need to be able to work mornings and / or afternoons on weekdays during school termtime  job shares would be welcome.

They can earn £6.38 per hour for 5 hours 50 minutes per week.

For more information on becoming a School Crossing Patrol Warden, please call Education Leeds on 0113 241 1228.

(Thanks to Mrs Cawood who has worked hard to organise this initiative. It will help make our journeys to and from school school a lot safer.)

Annual survey 2009

Posted on Wednesday 22 April 2009 by Mr Roundtree

Look out for the 2009 Annual Survey of Parents and Carers, which will be sent home this term. It’s a really useful way for us to monitor our strengths and ways to make our school event better.

You’ll see some of the quotes from last year’s survey on the homepage.