D:side, a drug education provider, have worked with all classes this week as part of our Staying Safe themed week.
In Year 2, we started by looking at similarities and differences in our appearance.
We then considered what should and shouldn’t go into our body before identifying and naming internal parts of the body. The test was could we remember their position in the body?
We finished our learning with a special person car wash. This was a chance for all the class to show how they value others by telling them a compliment as they passed through the ‘car wash’. The smiles show how much they feel valued!
Bike maintenance with Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative
Thank you to Mark and Jack from Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative in Chapel Allerton who checked all the bikes at school today to ensure they were safe and road worthy.
They also delivered some bike maintenance sessions to Year 5 and 6 to make them aware of simple checks they can make to keep safe on their bikes.
Have a great holiday!
We hope you all have a great holiday after what has been a very busy term!
The highlight of our term has to be our trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. The children really enjoyed learning about polar bears and the threat they face to their habitat. We hope you are all turning off your lights!
Enjoy the two week break and we look forward to seeing you all at the start of the children’s last term in Reception.
Have a great holiday!
Just a quick note to say have a great holiday. All the children have worked very hard indeed and deserve a good rest. However, keep adding in a bit of learning here and there to keep them fresh for when they return to school.
Many thanks to everyone who came to see our recent production. The show was a big success and we were so very proud of each and every child. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did.
Enjoy the break and we will see you back at school in two weeks (and one day).
Have a great holiday!
Just a quick note to say have a great holiday. Make sure that the children have a good rest but also dip in and out of some learning to keep them fresh for when they return in two weeks time. We’ve all done revision timetables which keep us doing little bits but make sure we’ve got time for resting, too.
See you in two weeks (and one day).
A brainy visitor
We had a visit from a scientist this week and learnt all about our brains. We had lots of questions and now know about the different parts of our brains, how neurons and receptors work and why we sometimes make conscious decisions and sometimes react reflexively.
First, we looked at different parts of the brain.
We even looked at real brains: a snail’s, a mouse’s and a rat’s.
Then we created a human model of how our receptors (buttons on our skins), which send messages down neurons to our brains and back.
We can see things from other people’s point of view.
This week’s Creative homework was great as usual.
I can see things from other people’s point of view.
Here are some examples of what we came up with and, as always, we enjoyed looking at each other’s and writing a comment to say what we thought about it.
Great effort, Year 6. Keep it up.
Parent topic review
At the end of our Time Travel topic, we invited parents in to see what we’d been doing in our topic lessons for the last eight weeks. I handed the job over to the children and they created iMovies which took our visiting parents on a journey through the things we’d learnt and particularly enjoyed in class.
There were some really great movies and the children explained very confidently and clearly our learning to the parents who visited.
We enjoyed watching each other’s work, too.
Super scientists
We took advantage of the Big Pedal and used the children’s scooters to investigate movement and in particular how to speed up and slow down.
Back in the classroom, we continued this learning by carrying out a scientific test.
What would you want to test with the following equipment?
Emily suggested we test how far the car travels when it goes down the ramp at different heights so we planned a test considering our test question, predictions, method and safety. A fair test is very important so we decided which variable would change (the height of the ramp) and what we would keep the same (the ramp surface, car, starting position and who would let the car go).
When the ramp was placed at the top of the ramp, the car travelled 114cm.
When the ramp was placed at the middle of the ramp, the car travelled 105cm.
At the bottom of the ramp, the car didn’t travel at all!
Measuring and data collection were important parts of the tests.
Finally, we considered our initial question: does the car travel further when the ramp is higher? From our results, we concluded that the car did travel further when the ramp was higher.
Thanks, Emily. That was a great test to suggest.
What else would you want to test?
3 days to go
Only 3 Big Pedal days to go!
We’ve had a great participation rate across the two weeks so far. Our highest participation was 43% on Day 5 (Friday).
Here’s a peek at the prizes – who will be our winners?
Keep cycling, scooting and we’ll soon find out!