24 March 2017
This week, children have two pieces of homework.
The first is Practice Makes Perfect: Score 1000 points on Mathletics.
The second is Talk Time: I can justify my own opinion. Children should discuss the following question with someone at home… ‘Would you rather explore the ocean or space?’
We will then debate this in class next week.
Also, children should practise all times tables up to 12×12 in preparation for an end of term times table check on Friday 31 March 2017.
24 March 2017
This week’s Practice Makes Perfect is due on Thursday 30 March.
Choose a chapter of your guided reading novel and write five reading comprehension questions for a friend to try and answer. See whether you can write different types of question:
- fact finding
- inference (How do you know…)
- word meaning (Find and copy…)
- ordering (Number the events, 1 -5)
- yes, no, maybe – three mark answer
- prediction
24 March 2017
This week’s homework is Creative and is due on Thursday 30 March.
I can see things from other people’s points of view.
This has been our SEAL statement this week and, I think, is a really important one. Have a think about why it is important that we can do this and imagine what it would be like to live in a world when nobody saw things from other people’s points of view. As always, Creative homework can be anything – don’t forget, only use one page of your homework book.
Maybe you could:
- Write a story or create a comic strip of a world where people don’t see things from other people’s view.
- Create a mind map of all of the reasons why this is important.
- Think of a situation where you have need, or would need, to do this and write a letter to the other person about what their point of view might be.
- Think of a situation and give all of the different points of view people might have.
- Create a quiz which asks us how we’d feel in different situations.
24 March 2017
This week’s spelling activity focuses on common word endings, particularly when it’s tricky to decide which ending a word should have. Take note of the tricks and tips it gives you as these are really useful.
Do I use …tion, …cian or …sion?
Is it …tial or …cial?
Also think about when you use …ence or …ance as this is something we’ve struggled with and we’ll share some tips next week.
There’ll be a test of 20 spellings on Friday 31 March; all of the spellings will have these tricky endings to choose from.
School Saving Club
The next School Saving Club paying in date is 23 March 2017 at 3.15-3.45pm.
If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Miss Hale.
For your information the paying in dates for the rest of the year are:
18 May 2017 3.15-3.45pm
13 July 2017 3.15-3.45pm
If your child would like to open account, please ask at the office.
Peaceful problem solving
Recently in our SEAL learning we have been looking at ways to solve problems. Where possible, children are encouraged to try and resolve problems together and we used drama to test this out using the following script.
Both ‘sides’ should be calm – it’s never any good to make up when you are angry.
Take it in turns to say what you are feeling and why; and what you would like to happen.
Listen well-don’t interrupt.
Pick a solution that everyone is happy with.
STEADY script for children
- I felt… say how you felt
- When… say what happened
- Because… say why it upsets you
- I would like… say what you want to happen or to change
Tour de Yorkshire themed menu
Catering Leeds, our school meal provider, will be running a special Tour de Yorkshire themed menu on Tuesday 25 April.
Please contact the office by Thursday 30th March if your child would like a school dinner on this day.
A great start
We’ve started the Big Pedal today with an impressive 40% participation rate on Day 1. Did you cucle or scoot to school? If not, there are another nine days to go.
Here are today’s totals.
A big thank you to Dom Jacques for supporting the event and organising the bike and scooter donations. These donations have meant that even more children can take part in the event.
Also, thank you to the Year 6 helpers who are coordinating the data gathering on a daily basis.
Residential information evening
A quick reminder that on Thursday 23 March at 6pm there will be an information evening for the families of those children attending the residential in April. This is a good opportunity to find out more about the venue, the activities, the necessary items to bring and of course to ask any questions you may have.
Look forward to seeing you at 6pm on Thursday.
The meeting will be held in the Year 4 classroom.
17 March 2017
The spellings this week are homophones and near homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings and often spellings.
sea |
see |
one |
won |
quite |
quiet |
here |
hear |
blue |
blew |