
17 March 2017

Posted on Saturday 18 March 2017 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is creative.

I can design a house or room of the future.

Think about what houses may look like in the future. What would yours look like? What would you have in your room? Consider how it will make our life easier or be better for the environment. Annotate your design with notes to explain the different features.

17 March 2017

Posted on Friday 17 March 2017 by


This week, the children have been given a spelling activity on a worksheet. This will help them learn their spellings from the list given last week. The spellings will be tested next week on Friday 24 March.

17 March 2017

Posted on Friday 17 March 2017 by

This week’s homework is practice makes perfectTo understand the spelling rules for plurals. 

I would like children to revise the different spelling rules for plural words. It was highlighted in our recent Year 3 grammar test that this is something all the children need more practice on.

The task the children have been given is to:

  1. Walk around your home and look for things you have more than one of. Make a list of all the plurals you can find.
  2. With your help, discuss how these should be spelled. How many things have you got on your list?
  3. Can you find at least one thing for each spelling rule?
  • Just add ‘s’ (cups)
  • Add ‘es’ (bunches, boxes)
  • Change ‘y’ to ‘ies’ (stories)
  • Change the word completely (mice, children)
  • Change the ending to ‘ves’ (halves)




Topic celebration

Posted on Friday 17 March 2017 by Mrs Freeman

To celebrate our topic learning, Time Travel: Transport Through The Ages, we invited parents, carers and families into our classrooms. The children showcased their learning well and were willing, and able, to answer questions about it in great detail.

Adults and children were free to wander into both classrooms to view all the learning. A few of the examples on display were; chariots, hot air balloons, Viking ships, Titanic information, cave paintings, futuristic transport sorting activities, big topic book and much more.

Well done to all the children and thank you to all those who came in to share this with us.IMG_1286IMG_1289IMG_1293IMG_1294 IMG_1287IMG_1297IMG_1305IMG_1285IMG_1306IMG_1303IMG_1302IMG_1300


17 March 2017

Posted on Friday 17 March 2017 by Mrs Freeman

Spellings for this week are words, chosen at random, from the Year 3/4 statutory list.

It is important to check that your child knows the meaning of each word and can use it correctly within a sentence.

To help:

  • say the word
  • say it in a sentence
  • say the word again
  • write the word
  • write the word in a sentence
  • check it’s spelt correctly
  • repeat – lots!

The spellings are:

  • various
  • question
  • guard
  • calendar
  • famous
  • peculiar
  • medicine

17 March 2017

Posted on Friday 17 March 2017 by Mrs Freeman

This week’s homework is creative and is due in on Thursday 23 March.

To design a quiz to show what I’ve learnt about our topic.

To celebrate bringing our current topic to an end, I have asked the children to design a quiz. They will need to think about a period of time throughout history and create questions about it. It is important that some of these questions are transport related as this has been our focus throughout.  We discussed in class how to present a quiz and how to vary the answers. For example, multiple choice, use pictures, lift the flap and so on.

During our homework review session, the children will be able to try out their quizzes on their friends.

17 March 2017

Posted on Friday 17 March 2017 by Mr Catherall

“i before e except after c!”

Many of us have heard this rule but just how true is it? Children should investigate this ‘rule’ and find out how true it is. Are there many exceptions? Can you find examples where the rule does help? Children should evidence their investigation on the spelling page of their homework book.

17 March 2017

Posted on Friday 17 March 2017 by Mr Catherall

This week, children have two pieces of homework. Both are due on Thursday 23 March.

The first piece is Practice Makes Perfect: To be able to add parenthesis.

Children have been given a worksheet that will help them practise this writing skill. We’ll be using this skill in our independent writing next week during our English lessons.

The second piece is Talk Time: I can see things from other people’s point of view.

Children should discuss next week’s SEAL statement with someone at home. We will reflect on these discussions as part of our homework review next week.


17 March 2017

Posted on Thursday 16 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings all have unstressed vowels in them. This means that you don’t hear part of the spelling when you say it: animal (we don’t really hear the ‘i’ when we say it).

unstressed vowel

Create some tips for us to share on how to spell these words accurately which we’ll share with each other on Thursday 23 March.

17 March 2017

Posted on Thursday 16 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week, the children have a reading comprehension and a Maths test which we’ll go through together on Thursday 23 March. These are the two tests which children are finding the most difficult and making silly mistakes on so it would be helpful to them if they could go through it with an adult to discuss difficult parts or identify errors made.