
Keeping calm

Posted on Tuesday 07 March 2017 by Mrs Taylor

Our SEAL statement this week is I keep calm or help others to calm down.


The children had some great ideas for how to calm down if they were cross, angry, upset, over excited or another time they might feel overwhelmed with emotions.

Ask them to explain how the following methods can help them.


  • Taking deep breaths
  • Fist flowers
  • Doing a calming activity such as going for a walk or reading a book

We often take some time after lunch to have a lie down, listening to calming music to relax and prepare for the afternoon.

To support this at home, the children made their own mind bottles.  The idea behind the bottles is to shake it up and watch how it settles… rather like our minds!



Team players

Posted on Tuesday 07 March 2017 by Mr Catherall

Today, as part of our learning about our current SEAL theme (Getting On), we thought about what the ‘perfect’ team player would look like. We thought about our strengths as individuals – of which we have many – and then combined them to make the ultimate team player.

Ask your child…

  • What did we decide was really important?
  • Is there anything you would add to the list?
  • Which of these attributes is most important/least important?
  • Which of these things do you consider to be a strength of yours?
  • Which of these do you think you’re not so good at yet? (The ‘yet‘ bit of this question is really important because, with practice, they will become good at this.)

We think the ‘perfect’ team player would have these attributes…

Team player 2

A good team player would ask him/her self…

TP questions

West Yorkshire cross country finalist

Posted on Sunday 05 March 2017 by Mrs Taylor

Congratulations to Grace who this week achieved 14th place in the Leeds Primary Schools cross country final at Middleton Park out of over 100 runners in her Year 5 girls race.

This means Grace has now qualified to represent Leeds at the West Yorkshire Cross Country Final at Temple Newsam.  A fantastic achievement!

If Grace has inspired you to give running a try, why not take part in the local weekly Junior Park Run at Roundhay Park.

To be or not to be…

Posted on Saturday 04 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

As part of our Time Travel – Entertainment topic, we’ve explored how people were entertained in Elizabethan times. Theatres were the main form of entertainment and this, obviously, led us directly to the great work of Shakespeare. We began the week by picking apart Shakespearean language to see whether we could understand it – which we could!

The children were really interested in what it would have been like to go to the theatre in the 1600s and had lots of questions. They then showed off some fantastic acting skills by taking on a snippet of Shakespeare in small groups – very entertaining.


Well done, Mary Poppins aka Mrs Valentine!

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

Thanks to the parent who emailed this:

“I just wanted to let you know how very impressed myself and [my daughter] are with Mrs Valentine’s efforts dressing up and acting out Mary Poppins. She is an inspiration to us all…she showed everyone how to have fun and be part of an event.
[We] are very proud to have her as a teacher at Moortown and hope you all are too.

Very well done, Mrs Valentine.”

We certainly are proud to have Mrs Valentine in our school – as we are with all our great teachers. (We’re proud of our wonderfully supportive parents / carers, too!)

Fire Safety

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by Mr Catherall

This afternoon, we’ve been joined by two firefighters from Moortown Fire Station. They came in to educate us about fire safety. The afternoon was incredibly useful and we learnt lots about how to stay safe.

We learnt what fires need to get started: the Triangle of Fire. Ask your child if they can remember what this means. Importantly, we learnt how crucial it is that every house has an agreed fire safety action plan. This is a series of things that each person in the house will do in the event of a fire. Do you have one at home? The firefighters were very keen for everyone to have a fire action plan agreed with the people they live with; it’s a huge predictor for how likely you are to escape unharmed in the event of a fire.

Really importantly, we learnt about the dangers of making hoax calls to the emergency services. Ask you child why making false calls to the fire brigade can have deadly ramifications.

On a very serious note, I was alarmed that some children in the class thought the emergency services number was 911 not 999. Please make sure that your children are aware of critical information like this for their safety and yours. 

Homework Review

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by Mr Catherall

As always, our homework was great this week. We had lots of varied responses to our creative piece: demonstrations, Scratch projects, interviews with parents, videos, collages and loads more.

Below are some of our favourites. It’s always interesting that the children’s favourite pieces are not always the most ‘jazzy’, or the most colourful, but the pieces that are original, different and interesting.


Our week

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by Mrs Freeman

This week, as ever, has been a very busy one.

We have started rehearsals for our production in a few weeks. The children are learning their parts well and the songs are coming along nicely, too.

A tennis coach came to deliver a lesson on Thursday and he was very impressed with how the children listened and followed instructions well. An extra well done goes to Isaac and Kai for their tennis skills, great partner work and the support they gave to one another.

World Book Day went well. We had a classroom full of book characters dressed in  fantastic costumes. It was great to see how much thought and effort the children had put into their outfits.

Talking of books, our Friday session of reading for pleasure continues to be a big success. Please remember that children are invited to bring a book from home to add to our library if they wish.

During our SEAL  lesson and homework review, Year 4 were able to suggest some very good ways in which to help a group to work co-operatively. As well as suggesting these ideas, I have seen lots of children demonstrating these within a lesson. An extra special well done to Thomas, Martha, Lewis and Isaiah for doing just that.

As always, please feel free to pop in and see us if you have any concerns or general enquiries regarding your child.

03 March 2017

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s Talk Time homework is linked to a visitor we’ve got next week.

How do rollercoasters work?

Going to theme parks is also a great form of entertainment today so it links to our Time Travel – Entertainment topic. Many of us love them but why and how are they made? Discuss this as a family, with friends, over dinner or in the car and be ready to join in our class discussion on Thursday 09 March.

03 March 2017

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week, Year 6 have a mini Maths test and a reading comprehension for their Practice Makes Perfect homework.

The children could complete it independently, with you or a bit of both by doing it themselves then going through it together. Make sure they make note of anything they’re struggling with as we’ll discuss this as a class in our homework review on Thursday 09 March.