
03 March 2017

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by

This week, the children have been given a spelling activity on a worksheet. This will help them learn their spellings from the list given last week. The spellings will be tested next week on Friday 10 March.


03 March 2017

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings now focus on the prefixes on the left hand side.


Create and practise words with these prefixes and see how many other prefixes you can think of that are not on the list. Be prepared to discuss what adding the prefix does to the meaning of the root word.

You’ll be tested on words with prefixes on Friday 10 March.

03 March 2017

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is creative and is due in on Thursday 09 March.

I know that houses in other countries may be different to our houses. 

Think about your own experiences or ask friends or family who have been to or lived in other countries about the houses that people lived in.

How are they different to the houses we live in? How are they the same?

You could draw and label a picture of the houses, write an estate agent promotion for a house, create a model of the houses with labels.


03 March 2017

Posted on Friday 03 March 2017 by Mr Wilks

The spellings this week are all words which contain a silent w.


03 March 2017

Posted on Thursday 02 March 2017 by

This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect:

To learn your lines and songs for the school production. 

It’s going to be a busy few weeks in Year 3 getting ready for the Year 3/4 production. Children should start to learn their lines now off by heart and learn all the songs, too. Thank you for all the support you have given to your children already. You can tell they’ve been practising and it’s going to be a great show!

World Book Day

Posted on Thursday 02 March 2017 by Mr Catherall

We’ve had a great morning celebrating World Book Day. It’s been great to dedicate so much time to reading and, for some of us, getting dressed up has been great fun, too.

Already today we’ve crammed in lots of great learning:

  • A special World Book Day celebration assembly.
  • Mrs Burke came in to read a couple of her favourite children’s books to us.
  • We had the chance to particpate in group discussions about the books we’ve brought in.
  • We did ‘speed dating’ but with books where we had one minute to recommend our favourite book to a friend.
  • We spent time reading someone else’s book to see if we enjoyed it
  • And, this afternoon, we’ll enjoy some time relaxing and reading just for pleasure.

Here’s a few pictures from our day so far…

WBD collage

03 March 2017

Posted on Thursday 02 March 2017 by Mr Catherall

Word Families

This week’s spellings activity is to explore some common word families. Words we use every day but might not stop to think about.

Children will not be given a list to learn but should explore the following word families:


03 March 2017

Posted on Thursday 02 March 2017 by Mr Catherall

As usual, children have been given two pieces of homework to complete this week. Both pieces are due on Thursday 09 March 2017. 

Talk Time: I can discuss how adults I know work cooperatively. 

Working cooperatively with others is not only our SEAL sentence this week but it is also a crucial life skill. Children should discuss with an adult how working cooperatively looks in everyday life as an adult. A useful conversation to have would be to highlight how working cooperatively in the classroom is similar to working cooperatively in the workplace.

Practice Makes Perfect: I can show what I’ve learnt about decimals. 

We’ve just finished learning on decimals so this is a chance for children to show how much they’ve learnt. They should complete the questions they have been given independently – only asking for help if it is needed. There are 10 marks available so children should aim to complete the questions in roughly 8 minutes.

Getting On

Posted on Wednesday 01 March 2017 by Mr Catherall

This half-term our SEAL theme is ‘Getting On‘. This week, we had an open, honest conversation as a class in which we all agreed that we could improve our ability to get on. We decided to think of Year 5 as being a team – a team we are all a part of.

I then set the children a challenge. In teams, they had to build the biggest tower they could. However, all they could use were marshmallows and spaghetti. As we were building we thought about what makes a good team and even came up with our own (very cheesy) class motto:

“Teamwork makes the dream work!”

World Book Day

Posted on Wednesday 01 March 2017 by Mrs Taylor

As part of our World Book Day celebrations tomorrow, we’ll be holding a table sale of books written by a family member of two pupils in school.

Finlay and Evie’s auntie, Clare Luther, is the author of a great series of a SEAL related books and they will be available to buy after school tomorrow in the playground (weather permitting).
