
24 February 2017

Posted on Friday 24 February 2017 by Mr Roundtree

From now on, Year 6 will have Practice Makes Perfect homework each week in the lead up to SATs. The children have a ten minute SPaG test to have a go at. However, it doesn’t have to be completed in ten minutes and they can discuss it with you. We’ll then go through this in our homework review on Thursday 02 March.

They also have a Maths activity page which starts off with some arithmetic questions (which is the first Maths test they’ll do) before going on to more problem solving style questions. Again, we’ll go through this together in the homework review on Thursday 03 March.

24 February 2017

Posted on Friday 24 February 2017 by

This week’s spellings all have the ‘super’ or ‘auto’ prefixes

Children should practise spelling these words in preparation for a test on Friday 10 March.


24 February 2017

Posted on Friday 24 February 2017 by

This week’s homework is talk time and is due on Thursday 03 March:

I don’t interrupt with my mouth or my hands.

Our SEAL theme this half term is ‘Getting on’; it covers four main aspects:

  • developing the social skills of friendship
  • working well together in a group
  • managing anger
  • resolving conflict

Children can discuss why it is important to take it in turns to speak and to listen without interrupting.


24 February 2017

Posted on Thursday 23 February 2017 by Mrs Taylor

This week, following our learning on 2D and 3D shapes, the homework is practice makes perfect.

This should be completed and returned to school by Thursday 02 March.

Here is some information that might help.

When we talk about 3D shapes, we talk about faces, edges and vertices.

  • The faces are the flat parts of the shape.
  • The edges are the lines where two faces meet.
  • The vertices are the points where two or more edges meet.

For example, this cuboid has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices:

School trip tomorrow!

Posted on Thursday 23 February 2017 by Mrs Taylor

We are all looking forward to visiting Herd Farm tomorrow morning as part of our Time Travel Houses and Homes topic.

As we will be outside, and the forecast is for cold weather, please ensure your child comes in warm long sleeved clothes, with ideally waterproof boots and coat. They should also have a water bottle in school to take with them.

We have been looking at the forecast throughout the week and fingers crossed the wind dies down.

We will be back for lunch so no packed lunch needed!

24 February 2017

Posted on Thursday 23 February 2017 by Mr Catherall

Double up for a short vowel sound

This week, we have focussed on a spelling rule that we have previously learned but still make mistakes with.

The ‘double up for a short vowel’ sound is very common in the English language although, as we have found, there are exceptions to the rule.

Here are a list of words that double up for a short vowel sound. You should familiarise yourself with the rule and learn how to spell these words. You will be tested on ten of these words on Friday 03 March.






















24 February 2017

Posted on Thursday 23 February 2017 by Mr Catherall

This week, as usual, we have two pieces of homework.

First, we have a Creative homework: I can show what entertainment means to me. 

This really is an open-ended task. Children should think about what they do for entertainment and then present this in a creative fashion. They should focus on more than one type of entertainment. A good example would be a comparison between two different types of entertainment.

Second, we have a Practice Makes Perfect homeworkI can correct spelling mistakes. 

Children have been given a worksheet to complete. The worksheet requires them to spot a series of spelling mistakes and then correct them. If children are not sure of the correct spelling, they should find out. This could be done in many ways: dictionary, internet or simply by asking someone.

As always, if you have any difficulties please contact me early in the week.

Great feedback about Moortown

Posted on Thursday 23 February 2017 by Mrs Weekes

There were some visitors in school on Monday talking to Year 5 and 6 about opening a University Technical College in the area, specialising in digital careers. They were very impressed by all our pupils and staff but particularly with the children they worked with. Here is some of their feedback:

“From the moment of arrival and being buzzed through the front gate and signed in, to our escort to the classroom, the level of professionalism would not have been out of place in a professional office environment.  The whole class’s willingness to engage with two strangers, their enthusiasm and excitement and their well posed, pertinent and erudite questions are a credit to you, the teaching staff and the students themselves.”

Fantastic feedback – well done to all involved.

Transport Museum

Posted on Wednesday 22 February 2017 by

We had a brilliant day today at The Streetlife Museum of Transport and The East Riding Museum in Hull. We started our day with a science workshop linked to friction and forces. Year 3 had to think about what forces are used to move different items.

As we walked around The Streetlife Museum we saw a variety of old fashioned transport: Victorian carriages, trams, railways, cars, horses, bicycles, boats and much more.

We also enjoyed exploring The East Riding Museum. The museum took us on a journey through time which linked really well with our history topic.

Here are some photos of the great things we saw…

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Transport Museum

Posted on Wednesday 22 February 2017 by Mrs Freeman

Today, we enjoyed a trip to The Streetlife Museum of Transport in Hull. Such a variety of old-fashioned transport was on display. We enjoyed looking at Victorian carriages, trams, railways, cars, horses, bicycles, boats and much more. Year 4 also had a science workshop linked to friction and forces. After putting on our white lab coats and a pair of goggles, we were ready for action. The children took part in quite a few experiments, all of which demonstrated forces and friction in action.

Across from the transport museum, there is another place of interest: The East Riding Museum.

This took us on a journey through time, beginning with a life-size mammoth and then continuing on through various time periods.

We learnt some fantastic facts, had great fun and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Take a look at some highlights of the trip.IMG_0852imagesIFPTV0V0images19YMBAXLIMG_0853IMG_0859IMG_0856IMG_0860IMG_0862IMG_0865IMG_0867IMG_0876IMG_0877marine-reptilesStreetlife-Museum20180482609_34ebe43667_bimagesEO9I8FJ6515df-img_1957wstreetlife-museum-of