
School Council elections

Posted on Sunday 05 February 2017 by Mrs Wood

It’s time for children to consider if they would like to stand for election for our new School Council.  With two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers, all children at Moortown Primary are encouraged to take an active part in pupil voice.

Elections for our new school council will take place next Thursday 09 February with our polling station and ballot boxes at the ready.  Candidates will have the opportunity to give their election speech to their class on Wednesday 08 February.

What makes a good school councillor has been considered by our current school council.

‘Communicating with others – pupils and adults.’
‘Having good listening skills to know what to contribute in meetings.’
‘Thinking of realistic ideas to suggest in meetings.’
‘Considering other people’s views even if you don’t agree with them.’

If your child would like to stand, please could you help them to prepare a speech.

Hints for their speech include:

What skills and abilities would a good school councillor have?
What are they particularly good at that would help them to be a great school councillor?
What do they think would make the school better? What could they do that people would really like?
Think of things that are realistic, maybe that they could do themselves, rather than having to ask other people to do?

Good luck to all children who decide to stand in the elections.

If you choose not to stand in the election then you should consider the importance of voting.

03 February 2017

Posted on Sunday 05 February 2017 by

This week’s spellings all have the ‘less’ or ‘ly’ suffixes.

Children should practise spelling these words in preparation for a test on Friday 10 February.


03 February 2017

Posted on Saturday 04 February 2017 by Mrs Taylor

For all children in Year 1 – Year 6, the homework this week is talk time and is due in on Wednesday 08 February. There are two options:

  • I can prepare a speech (School Council elections).
  • I know the importance of voting.

It’s time for children to consider if they would like to stand for election for our new School Council.  With two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers, all children at Moortown Primary are encouraged to take an active part in pupil voice.

Elections for our new school council will take place on Thursday 09 February with our polling station and ballot boxes at the ready.  Candidates will have the opportunity to give their election speech to their class on Wednesday 08 February.

What makes a good school councillor has been considered by our current school council.

‘Communicating with others – pupils and adults.’
‘Having good listening skills to know what to contribute in meetings.’
‘Thinking of realistic ideas to suggest in meetings.’
‘Considering other people’s views even if you don’t agree with them.’

Hints for your speech include:

  • What skills and abilities would a good school councillor have?
  • What are you particularly good at that would help you to be a great school councillor?
  • What do you think would make the school better?
  • What could you do that people would really like?
  • Think of things that are realistic, maybe that you could do yourself, rather than having to ask other people to do

Thank you to our current school councillors for all their ideas and contributions over the last year.  We hope you have enjoyed this role and responsibility.  You’re welcome to stand again for election.

Good luck to all children who decide to stand in the elections.

If you choose not to stand in the election then you should consider the importance of voting.

Viking homework

Posted on Saturday 04 February 2017 by Mrs Freeman

Year 4 has been invaded!

Following a creative homework, I can research the Vikings, the children have once again shown that they can come up with some fabulous ideas. From life-like longboats to quizzical quizzes, Year 4 have shown they have the lot! We even had a Viking tune played by one of the children. Here are just some of the examples which are on display in the classroom:IMG_0803IMG_0802IMG_0804 IMG_0805IMG_0806IMG_0807IMG_0808

Marble run fun!

Posted on Friday 03 February 2017 by Mr Roundtree

As part of our Time Travel – Entertainment topic, we’re designing, making and selling some fabulous marble runs. Working in groups of three, we put our heads together to create a plan for how we could construct a marble run out of wood. We had to think about how we could keep it simple enough to make, but complicated enough to be fun to play.

When our designs were finished, we decided to make prototypes out of Lego. This meant that we could figure out where our ideas were too complicated and what sort of measures of wood we’d need to cut. We all found it really helpful to make these prototypes and now we’re prepared to get the saws out and create in wood!

03 February 2017

Posted on Friday 03 February 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Creative and will be looked at on Thursday 09 February.

I can see area and perimeter all around me.

We’ve been brushing up on our area and perimeter knowledge this week so where can we see it in the world around us? As a class, we thought about some ideas for things we could do for this homework:

  • Take photos of items around the house and measure it to work out the area and the perimeter.
  • Go out and about and measure a field or garden (perhaps in steps rather than metres) to calculate its area and perimeter.
  • Plan decorating a house, draw its floor plan and calculate how much it’ll cost for the carpets.
  • Create a floor plan of our bedrooms and measure everything inside to place it onto our plan, drawn to scale.

Of course, if you can think of something else, we’ll look forward to seeing that too.

02 February 2017

Posted on Thursday 02 February 2017 by Mr Wilks

This week, the root words all have suffixes: er, ing or est. All the root words end in e. When adding the suffixes, you have to first drop the e from the root word.
Children could be tested on any of the words.

time    timer      timing
bike     biker      biking
bake    baker      baking
drive   driver      driving
rude    ruder       rudest
wise     wiser      wisest
cute     cuter      cutest
nice     nicer      nicest

03 February 2017

Posted on Thursday 02 February 2017 by Mr Catherall

This week, in addition to our whole school homework, we have a Creative homework:

I can see fractions all around me.

In class, we’ve discussed several ways in which children may choose to respond. Here are a few examples:

  • Show how fractions are used to serve out food at the dinner table
  • Show fractions of amounts (of food, money etc)
  • Explain how adults may use fractions in their jobs
  • Explain/show how we use fractions in everyday life
  • Create a short video about one aspect of the fractions work we’ve been doing in school and how it is relevant to real life.

03 February 2017

Posted on Thursday 02 February 2017 by Mr Catherall


This week’s spellings are all homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings.

Children should practise spelling these words in preparation for a test on Friday 10 February.

Words in bold are words that we commonly make mistakes with in our writing – and really shouldn’t. Words in italics are previous spellings that we still find tricky.

cereal – serial
profit – prophet
affect – effect
compliment – complement
shore – sure
root – route
weather – whether
grate – great
to – too – two
practise – practice

03 February 2017

Posted on Thursday 02 February 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings focus on homophones. Here are lots and lots and lots of homophone pairs. In your book, pick out those which you think you find more difficult and create some trick and tips for you to remember which is which. Good practice would be to get someone to say them in a sentence for you to choose which to use, like we do in class.


On Friday 10 February, I will say ten sentences and you will have to choose which spelling to use.