20 January 2017
Times Tables
Year 5 are generally pretty good at recalling their times tables up to 12 x 12. Starting this week, we will focus on one times table each week. This week we will focus on the 3 times table. However, children will not be tested on questions like “What is 3 x 5?”. Instead, we will focus solely on related facts. Here are some examples of the kind of questions children may be asked:
- What is 2100 ÷ 3?
- What is 15 x 0.3?
- What is the product of 0.3 x 0.8?
These questions can be tricky so we’ll focus on manipulating numbers using facts we already know in class. Please ensure your child is applying this knowledge when they are practising at home.
Highlights of the week
Well, it’s been a very busy week for Year 4!
Many thanks to all who turned up for our class assembly. The children worked very hard to put this performance together. They were incredibly proud of themselves and each other. We hope the water cycle song hasn’t driven you round the bend too much!
Yet again, Year 4 produced some superb homework showing what they know about solids, liquids and gases. We are constantly amazed by the creative ideas the children come up with. These are on display in the classroom and you are very welcome to pop in and take a look.
Our adventure through time has begun with the arrival of a life size Tardis in the classroom! We’re using this as a reading area and it’s proving very popular with adults and children alike!
During this topic, we will focus on transport through the ages. Working along a timeline, we’ll explore transport inventions, how different people travelled, why people travelled and many other aspects of transportation.
The Stone Age is where we have begun. This week we have studied this period of time and also created our own cave paintings – photos to follow…
For our maths lessons we’re exploring fractions. On Thursday, I gave the children a task to complete that involved some reasoning. The children had to explain and prove their thoughts and ideas. Here are some children at work. Their task was:
This is how they evidenced their ideas.
Mr Owen and I are looking forward to seeing you all again at forthcoming parents’ evenings. Please return your slips and we can allocate you a preferred time slot promptly.
As always, we encourage you to pop in with any concerns or questions you may have.
Year 2 athletes
Part of our PE Premium funding is invested in the Leeds Active Schools programme. This gives us access to a range of physical activity competitions and experiences.
Fifteen children from Year 2 were very excited to take part in the Active Schools KS1 Sports Hall Athletics Competition at Farsley Celtic this week.
It certainly looks like they have enjoyed all the field and track events. Well done for representing our school so well.
Creative House Homeworks
There were lots of excellent creative house homeworks to choose from this week. Here are our favourites:
20 January 2017
The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Thursday 26 January.
What makes a house a home?
We will be learning lots about houses in this topic. For this homework, we’d like you to talk about what it is that makes your house a home. What makes it special and what makes you feel comfortable in it – both emotionally and physically!
20 January 2017
The spellings this week are also contracted words. There are four new ones:
- I am – I’m
- I have – I’ve
- I will – I’ll
- I would – I’d
The children will be tested on these new ones and four from last week’s list.
20 January 2017
We are learning the ‘sub’ and ‘tele’ prefixes. Learn the following spellings and their definitions. Can you child use them in a sentence? Learn the following spellings for a test in two weeks – Friday 03 February.
20 January 2017
Our homework this week is Practice Makes Perfect and is due in on Thursday 26 January.
I can calculate the perimeter of a shape using doubling and adding.
In Maths lessons this week, we’ve been learning how to measure accurately in cm and mm. We have also started to learn how to measure and calculate the perimeter of a shape. For this homework, I would like your child to complete the perimeters in their book and measure the perimeter of some 2D shapes around the house.
20 January 2017
‘ably’ or ‘ibly’ words
We have been focusing on learning how to spell words ending in ‘ably’ or ‘ibly’. Here is a list of words that can be changed to end in ‘ably’ or ‘ibly’. Children should learn how to spell these words and be comfortable choosing and spelling the correct word ending. eg For the word possible children will be asked to spell possibly in the test. |
possible |
sensible |
reliable |
incredible |
respectable |
agreeable |
adorable |
comfortable |
preferable |
visible |
20 January 2017
This week we have two pieces of homework. Both are due on Thursday 26 January 2016.
The first piece is Creative:
I can present my family history.
This week, we started our Time Travel topic. Although we’re focusing on entertainment, the main driver for the topic is history. This homework gives children the opportunity to do a little research of their own. We’ve discussed some ways to respond to this homework creatively in class:
- create a family tree
- write a short report based on your family
- celebrate your family’s cultural roots through a poster, song or video
- create a presentation board about your family’s history
- research one family member’s life in detail and write about this person
The second piece of homework is Practice Makes Perfect:
I can make inferences.
Have a go at the comprehension activity at home before we go through in class on Thursday.
Remember to read the text thoroughly and try to back up your answers using evidence from the text when necessary. Also, check your own understanding by seeing if you can explain your answer to somebody else in your family. To make sure this impacts on your learning, notice what you’re confident with and what you might need to practise so that we can discuss this in class and you know yourself what to work on.