20 January 2017
This week’s spellings all end in ‘tial and ‘cial. They’re not difficult spellings but we need to know when to start this ‘chul’ sound with ‘t’ and when to start it with ‘c’.
Usually, where the part of the word preceding ‘chul’ ends with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u), we use C-I-A-L. However, there are a couple of exceptions to this: commercial and financial.
If the part of the word preceding ‘chul’ ends with a consonant, we use T-I-A-L. I can think of one exception: initial.
These words will be tested on Friday 27 January.
Well done to children who participated in the Leeds North East High 5 Netball Come and Try Festival tonight at Carr Manor School. They played a few games against local schools in a friendly, relaxed setting with some coaching as they played.
Half term pop-up sports
Leeds Let’s Get Active
Leeds Let’s Get Active is a programme to encourage people to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity, once a week.
Based at Leeds City Council leisure centres, the timetable for Jan to March 2017 is now available.
Cross Country finalist
Following the Leeds North East KS2 Cross Country competition, congratulations to Grace, finishing in 6th position, who has qualified to take part in the Leeds KS2 Cross Country final in March.
Good luck in the final!
Talented Year 2
This week, in the lead up to Moortown’s Got Talent, our SEAL statement is I recognise my talents.
After a great class assembly last week, we all know how talented Year 2 are.
Our class assembly is on Wednesday 18th January at 2.40pm. Please join us if you can.
Time Travel Houses and Homes
Year 2 launched straight into their new topic, Time Travel Houses and Homes, by talking a walk around the local area to see what houses are like today.
We spotted lots of different types of houses and noticed what was the same and what was different. Ask your child what is the difference between detached, semi-detached, terraced houses and bungalows.
After looking at what houses are like today, we will be going back in time to find out about houses in the past.
Take a look at what we found and maybe you might see some of the houses on your way to school.
Moortown International(!) Primary School #2
So… in this school year, we’ve had great feedback and thanks from Canada and, very recently, from Thailand. You don’t have to have a child attend Moortown to benefit from the learning resources in our Learn More section!
And now… Somerset! OK – maybe not international, but great feedback all the same:
I lead literacy at [a school in] Somerset. I have looked at the documents on your website and would love to have a chat with someone who coordinates writing assessments in your school.
The ARE expectations documents for parents you produced are brilliant. I would be interested to know how you came up with the exemplification for each year group and whether you use those same documents to assess writing.Please would you be able to put me in touch with your literacy lead teacher or the head teacher for a quick chat? This would be extremely helpful when setting up new systems for our school.
The ‘ARE expectations document’ refers to the age-related expectations we created for each year group in Reading, Writing, Maths and Science and the Foundation Subjects, all to be found on the Expectations page. We created these by taking National Curriculum, which sets out what teachers need to teach and what children are expected to learn, expectations and breaking them down into more manageable year groups. They expectations can be a really useful basis to know how you might support your child at home.
Lib Fest
Leeds libraries are stamping out the shhh during February!
Library Fest returns for 2017! From 04 to 19 February, there’ll be another varied programme of exciting events, displays and activities across the city, drawing attention to the variety of services that are unique to libraries. Events will include crafts, performances, author events, talks and opportunities to see some treasures from our special collections.
Whatever you’re into, Leeds Libraries have something for you!