
Phonics mornings

Posted on Sunday 15 January 2017 by Mrs Wood

Don’t forget to attend our phonics mornings this week.

You’ll be able to see how the children are progressing and find out how you can help to support them at home.

These sessions will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9am.

See you there!

Learning to tell the time and other maths

Posted on Sunday 15 January 2017 by Mrs Wood

The children are enjoying the new clock in the home corner and are teaching each other how to tell the time!


This week we have been learning about estimating.

The children had to estimate the number of bears that could can fit inside Ewan’s shoe.

Lots of children accurately guessed 9!


Then they had a go at guessing how many bears my boot would hold!


13 January 2017

Posted on Sunday 15 January 2017 by Mr Wilks


Moortown International(!) Primary School

Posted on Saturday 14 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

You may know that our website is used in Canada (news article, Saturday, November 05, 2016).

Now, we’ve had an email to thank us all the way from Thailand!

Please forward my thanks to the author of your pdf document “Phonics and Graphemes”. I am using parts of it to teach ESL Phonetics here at Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University. It is concise, valuable and sincerely appreciated.

I of course give credit to your fine school in its dissemination.

Again, thank you.

The document in question is a guide to phonics and graphemes, or the sounds and letters that help us to read and write.

13 January 2016

Posted on Friday 13 January 2017 by Mr Catherall

For the next two weeks, we will focus on the ‘ably’ and ‘ibly’ word endings. To help them learn when to use the correct ending, children should complete the following activity by Thursday 20 January.

Earlier in the year, we learnt about the able and ible word endings and identified some rules and conventions to help us spell these words correctly. Children should reflect on this learning and investigate the following questions:

  • True or false…all words that end in ‘able’ can be changed to end in ‘ably’?
  • True or false…all words that end in ‘ible’ can be changed to end in ‘ibly’?
  • Can you spot a pattern, rule or convention when changing words to end in ‘ably’ or ‘ibly’?
  • Is it always, sometimes or never true that words ending in ‘ably’ or ‘ibly’ are adverbs? Prove it.

13 January 2017

Posted on Thursday 12 January 2017 by

Spelling worksheet due in Thursday 19 January 2017.

This week, to help with spelling, children have been given a worksheet concentrating on the ‘ness’ and ‘ful’ suffixes. Your child will have a spelling test on Friday 20 January based on the spellings they learned last week for homework.

13 January 2017

Posted on Thursday 12 January 2017 by

This week’s homework is creative and is due in on Thursday 19 January 2017.

I can show what I have learned during our ‘What’s the Matter?’ topic, when we concentrated on rocks and soils. 

For this homework, I’d like children to reflect on their learning from the past two weeks and show off what they have learned. Your child could:

  • give an overview of what they have learned about the three different types of rocks and their properties
  • show how different rocks are formed
  • take photos of different rocks
  • be a scientist and conduct a science investigation

I look forward to seeing all the children’s wonderful ideas and creations.

13 January 2017

Posted on Thursday 12 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

All week, we’ve been going through the Year 5/6 spelling list identifying which words we think we already know.

For this week’s spelling activity, the children should practise those spellings they already know by writing them into sentences as well as identifying ten words which they feel they’ll struggle to remember.

There won’t be a test on Friday; instead we’ll discuss the words we’ve identified as trickier and create a spelling list for us to learn the following week.


13 January 2017

Posted on Thursday 12 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s Practice Makes Perfect homework focuses on our SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) skills.

Have a go at the mini test at home before we go through it together in class on Thursday 19 January.

Check your own understanding by seeing if you can explain your answer to somebody else in your family, letting them know the tricks you’ve got for remembering what’s what. To make sure this impacts on your learning, notice what you’re confident with and what you might need to practise so that we can discuss this in class and you know yourself what to work on.

13 January 2017

Posted on Thursday 12 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Talk Time and will be discussed on Thursday 19 January.

I recognise my own and other people’s talents.

Around the dinner table, in the car, walking to the shops, discuss what talents you and your family have. Don’t forget to write some notes so that you can share your talents with us in class.