
06 January 2016

Posted on Friday 06 January 2017 by Mr Wilks

I’ve updated the blurb about this week’s spellings as there was a mistake. Sorry for any confusion.



06 January 2016

Posted on Friday 06 January 2017 by Mr Wilks

The homework this week is talk time and is due in on Thursday 12 January.

It is good to be me.

Talk to your child about why it is good to be them. What are they good at? What qualities do they value in themselves? Who or what else makes it good to be them?


Thinking about our next Big Topic

Posted on Thursday 05 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

In preparation for our upcoming Big Topic, we put our heads together to think about what we’d like to learn and do. The next Big Topic will be Time Travel and Year 5 and 6 will be exploring entertainment through the ages.

There were hundreds of great ideas which Mr Catherall and I now need to seive through but here are a few to give you a taster:

  • create a marble run using woodwork skills
  • learn some ballroom dancing
  • create our games using our computing skills
  • write a promotional text for a game
  • work out the costing and profit for putting on a theatre production

We look forward to starting this topic in the week beginning 16 January and will keep you updated on what we’re doing.

06 January 2017

Posted on Thursday 05 January 2017 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s spellings focus on the letter string, ‘ough’.

  • enough
  • tough
  • though
  • thought
  • rough
  • ought
  • cough
  • bought
  • brought
  • drought
  • although
  • dough
  • plough
  • sought
  • thorough

Ten of these spellings (or words in their word families, eg thorough and thoroughly) will be tested on Friday 13 January.

06 January 2016

Posted on Thursday 05 January 2017 by Mr Catherall

‘Rare GPCs’

We have been focusing on strategies to help you remember how to spell words with an usual grapheme-phoneme correspondence (words that are tricky to spell because they don’t follow more conventional rules/patterns).

Children should learn how to spell these words in preparation for a test on Friday 13 January.


06 January 2017

Posted on Thursday 05 January 2017 by Mr Catherall

This week, as normal, we have two pieces of homework. Both are due in on Thursday 12 January 2017.

The first piece is Creative:

I can see science all around me.

Science is everywhere. We see loads of examples of science in action without even realising; we take it for granted when we drop something and it falls to the floor.

Our Creative homeworks are always great and I know that the children will have some great ideas. However, if they are struggling for inspiration, here’s a few ideas:

  • take pictures of everyday things and explain the science behind them. For example, why does a ball roll down a hill?
  • create a video diary of all the examples of science you can see in your home.
  • conduct a scientific investigation about a common event.
  • prepare a practical demonstration of ‘everyday’ science.

We also discussed others in class.

The second piece of homework this week is Practice Makes Perfect:

I can proof-read for spelling mistakes. 

Children have been given a passage of text with numerous spelling mistakes. Children should read the text and correct any spelling mistakes they can find (many of which are common in our writing).

As usual, if there any problems, please do not hesitate to contact me. Early in the week is best as it allows us time to find a solution that is best for your child.

What’s the matter?

Posted on Wednesday 04 January 2017 by Mr Catherall

We have started our new mini-topic: What’s the matter? In this chemistry based topic we will focus on materials and their properties. We’ll also ask ‘What’s the matter?‘ as part of our current SEAL theme: Good to be me.

Today, we revised some prior learning about the states of matter (ask your child what these are) and learnt about some examples of reversible changes (ask your child to give you an example of a reversible change). We focused on water as it can be a liquid at room temperature, a solid and a gas (ask your child how water becomes a gas).

Later in the week, we’ll focus on irreversible changes like burning – safety goggles at the ready!

Happy New Year!

Posted on Tuesday 03 January 2017 by Mrs Wood

Welcome back and a Happy New Year!

All the children made a great start to their time at Moortown last term and we are looking forward to seeing their enjoyment and progress this term.

Our next big topic will be ‘Life in the snow’.




Good to be me!

Posted on Monday 02 January 2017 by Mrs Taylor


Our SEAL (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) learning this half term is all about Good to be me and as part of this learning we would like the children to bring something in that they are proud of – something that reflects the theme ‘Good to be me’.

This may be from a sporting achievement, a learning achievement or something to show their unique skill or talent.

Don’t forget, it is also Moortown’s Got Talent this half term.


Happy New Year!

Posted on Monday 02 January 2017 by Mrs Taylor


We hope you all enjoyed the holidays and are ready for a new term of learning.

We are looking forward to starting the year with a science mini topic, What’s the matter? before we go back in time with our history themed Time Travel big topic.

Don’t forget this half term it is our second class assembly of the year on Wednesday 11 January at 2:40pm.

Parents’ evenings are also later in the half term (Monday 06 February and Tuesday 07 February) but if there is anything you would like to ask or clarify, please do come and see us before then.