Living and Learning: Me and My Money
This week, we’ve been learning all about money!
We’ve talked about so many important topics and skills that are vital to our lives and financial futures.
We first had a maths lesson which looked at working out the unit prices of bulk items to help us decide on the cheaper options.
Next, we learnt about what tax is and why we have it. We then discussed why it is vital for our community.
Then, HSBC talked to us and we learnt about budgeting and how to be a critical consumer.
We also learnt about jobs in Leeds and what we might want to do when we’re older or where the most demand for employment might be.
Virgin Money taught us about loans, their roles at the bank and about bank accounts. They then set us an exciting challenge – to make £5 grow!
In the coming weeks, we’ll be putting our entrepreneurial brains to the test to see if we can make profit from a small business idea. Watch this space!
Help at home: Discuss how your child would like to make their £5 grow. Take a look at the suggested ideas.
Living and learning – Me and My Money
This week, we’ve been learning all about money!
We’ve talked about so many important topics and skills that are vital to our lives and futures.
HSBC talked to us about savvy shopping. We learnt about:
- budgeting
- interest and borrowing
- debit and credit cards
- being critical consumers
We also learnt about jobs in Leeds and what we might want to do when we’re older or where the most demand for employment might be.
Virgin Money taught us about loans, their roles at the bank and bank accounts and then set us an exciting challenge – to make £5 grow!
In the coming weeks, we’ll be putting our entrepreneurial brains to the test to see if we can make profit from a small business idea. Watch this space!
Y6 said:
“I think I’m more aware of money now.”
“You should be cautious about spending money. There are questions you can ask yourself such as, ‘Is this a want or a need? Can it wait?’”
“I’m really excited to start my own business!”
Geography – I can investigate land-use in my locality. Part 2!
Last week, during Geography, we planned a walk in our locality so that we could investigate what the land is used for. This week, we walked the walked!
Here are the types of land-use we saw:
- residential – flats and houses
- commercial – shops and restaurants
- recreational – Moortown Park
- transport – roads
We really enjoyed getting our steps in while being geographers! We stayed safe by wearing high-visibility jackets, walking in pairs and taking care when crossing the roads.
Yorkshire Dance School Trip!
Yesterday, Year 3 went on their trip to Carriageworks Theatre to join Yorkshire Dance School in a day full of great activities!
Our first task of the day was to rehearse our performance on stage with lighting and music. The children were a bit nervous after seeing how many seats there were in the audience but they did a fantastic job!
Then, we had a talk from Northern School of Contemporary Dance and Phoenix Dance about a career in dance. They spoke about dancing at all different stages of life and how inclusive dance is! They also discussed how dance can be just a hobbie as well. Both these schools run clubs during the holidays, after school and in schools!
Before lunch, the children experienced an amazing workshop where they learnt and performed Afro dance which originates from Africa and countries like Nigeria! The children got stuck in and created a choreographed dance from their six moves.
Finally, the day ended with our final performance! We performed a dance to the song, Believer by the Imagine Dragons. We chose this as we thought it linked well to the theme of ‘dreaming’ – that we can dream to achieve great things and if we believe in ourselves then we will achieve them. Year 3 were the youngest there and they had the whole audience cheering and clapping along so a big well done to all of them! Our hard work paid off!
In Latin, we have been learning lots of new vocabulary. We are enjoying making new connections between Latin and English words.
Last week, we combined various Latin words to create a new inventions. Take a look below!
Marvellous Maths!
This week in Maths we have been beginning to learn about addition. We have been using the language of parts and a whole. For example, 3 is a part. 2 is a part. The whole is 5. We have been drawing part whole models and writing out addition number sentences. Below you can see some pictures of Year 1 marvellous maths work. Well done Year 1!
Help at home by investigating how different numbers are made. Remember to use the language of parts and a whole. Your child could then practise writing some addition number sentences.
Friday 06 October
This week in spelling we are going to continue to review the last 3 weeks of spelling words. Try to focus on the words your child has found tricky. This is to make sure the children can use these spellings automatically in their writing. We will test 5 of these spellings on Friday 13th October.
so me the
by no she
my his he
do go has
be was to
Any questions please speak to Mr McGriffiths.
Science: An air-resistance experiment
For the past three science lessons, Year 5 have been planning, undertaking and evaluating a science experiment all about air resistance. Our enquiry type was ‘Comparative and Fair Tests’. The question we were answering was: ‘Will the surface area of a parachute affect the time it takes to fall to the ground?’ The children decided on their variables, made a prediction and then were able to create the parachutes they needed.
Once they were created, the children then went out to test their parachutes and conduct the experiment.
Once we had the results, we were able to look for any anomalous results (a result that does not fit the pattern; in Maths, this is called an outlier). We also looked at the mathematical element of this science lesson as Year 5 could then calculate the average times for the tests.
To present their findings, they created bar charts using the calculated average times. These charts helped to show how the surface area clearly impacted the fall time.
Finally, the children were able to conclude their results. They found out that the bigger parachute had a larger surface area and therefore, there was more air resistance so it was the slowest.
This week there was a mystery in Year One. The school bell that Mr McGriffiths uses in the morning had disappeared! The children were very keen to find it and bring it back. After reading the book Hermelin: the dectective mouse (watch the story here), we came up with the idea of creating a LOST poster. You can see our marvellous efforts below. If you do see the bell anywhere, please contact Mr McGriffiths!
Help at home by discussing where your child thinks the bell has gone and what has happened to it!
Topic and Science!
Year 3 have had a great second week where we have really got stuck into our new learning.
Topic – Geography – Where in the world am I?
Year 3 have become geographers for this half term (a scientist who studies the Earth). We began by using an atlas to help us plot the capital cities, rivers and mountains in the United Kingdom on our own maps. Have a look at one of our maps!
We then began to answer our question: Where in the world am I? We realised there are a lot of answers to this question; Leeds, Europe, Moortown, Moortown Primary School, UK, England and the Earth!
Help at home: visit Google Earth and zoom all the way out from Moortown Primary School! What else can you see?
Science – Skeletons!
We began by trying to build the human skeleton out of different pieces. Once we had successfully done this, we tried to name as many of the bones as possible. We focused on these 5:
We imagined what we would look like if we didn’t have a skeleton or bones… it would be quite strange! Skeletons help to protect our organs and supports our body and movement.