
30 September 2016

Posted on Wednesday 28 September 2016 by Mr Roundtree

For Mathletics homework, each child has been assigned two tasks from MULTIPLY AND DIVIDE WRITTEN.

  • Everyone has been assigned ‘Short Division’.
  • Some children have been assigned ‘Long Multiplication’.
  • Some children have been assigned ‘Multiply 2-Digit Number regroup’.

This work will allow the children to practise skills we’ve been revising this week on multiplication and get a head start on division which we’ll be moving on to next week.

These task should be completed by Thursday 06 October. As always, let me know if there are any difficulties before Thursday and I’ll do what I can to help.

30 September 2016

Posted on Wednesday 28 September 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect and is due on Thursday 06 October.

Write 10 sentences about your trip to Eden Camp using a range of openers – think about what else you could show off, too.

There’ll be pictures of our trip up on Y6 Class News to remind you of what we did and what you saw. Write ten sentences, making sure you’re using a range of openers – which is your writing target.

Although I want you to focus on openers, think about whether you can show off or practise any other skills too:

  • middlers and enders
  • punctuation (; : – )
  • expanded noun phrases
  • adverbial phrases

30 September 2016

Posted on Wednesday 28 September 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week, your spelling activity is to explore what happens to the following words when you add a suffix. See how many suffixes you can add and find out what it does to the spelling – it’s not always the same pattern.

  • refer
  • transfer
  • prefer

Don’t forget, the research you do and words you find must be recorded in your homework book on your spellings page.

Yorkshire’s Rio Heroes

Posted on Sunday 25 September 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Welcome back Yorkshire’s Olympic and Paralympic athletes with a special homecoming parade!  On Wednesday 28 September, a carnival atmosphere will take hold of Leeds as the athletes are welcomed home in true Yorkshire style.











A host of athletes have confirmed their attendance, including triathletes Alistair and Jonny Brownlee; World, European and Paralympic champion Hannah Cockroft, MBE; diver and gold medallist Jack Laugher; and rowers Andy Triggs Hodge and Paul Bennett who both claimed gold.

There will be a lively parade, with samba bands, brass bands, colourful performers and of course open top buses and vehicles carrying the athletes. Parade celebrations will start at 5.15pm, and we would love to see the people of Yorkshire come out in force to line the city centre route and cheer on these inspiring men and women.



Date for the diary

Posted on Sunday 25 September 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Looking ahead to the end of this Class Novel topic, we would like to invite you to view our own art gallery on Tuesday 15 November, in the dining room, from 2.45pm – 3.30pm.

This will be an opportunity for the children to show you some examples of their own work and other learning from our Katie and… topic.

We hope to see you there.



Katie and…

Posted on Sunday 25 September 2016 by Mrs Taylor

Our first book, from the Katie and… series, to launch our Class Novel big topic was Katie and the Dinosaurs where we found out about Katie and her antics in the Natural History Museum.

Then, before we launched into creating some of our own art, the children suggested what to test when given the following paints.  Lots of the suggestions were based around colour mixing so we tested them out.


Well done to Will who could tell us these were the primary colours.

After some mixing and experimenting with the three primary colours we focused on how to make secondary colours.


This video helped us to understand all about primary and secondary colours.




Our first week

Posted on Sunday 25 September 2016 by Mrs Wood

img_0372 img_0408 img_0474

Coffee morning

Posted on Sunday 25 September 2016 by Mrs Wood

Don’t forget to join us in The Space tomorrow morning at 9am for coffee and an informal chat.


History linked to Topic

Posted on Sunday 25 September 2016 by Mr Roundtree

This week in topic, we were looking at World War 2 in comparison to other British history. First, we sorted pictures of artefacts into the age group we thought they fitted into – we were surprised by some of them. Here are some photos…img_0829



Then later, while we were looking at artefacts, we saw a video of Hitler on YouTube; lots of us found it super weird and he was very loud. We also saw a real gas mask.img_0833In The Space, we made a timeline of age groups. We also learnt loads of interesting facts about World War 2: it was mainly in Europe, it started in 1939 and ended in 1945 and finally we learnt why it started. img_0834

Overall, Y6 have learnt lots this week.

Published by Frankie and Emre.

23 September 2016

Posted on Saturday 24 September 2016 by Mr Catherall

‘able’ and ‘ible’

This week’s spelling activity focuses on words ending in ‘able’ or ‘ible’ and recognising which suffix to use. This should be completed by Thursday 29 September.

Children should find words that end in either ‘able’ or ‘ible’ and begin to identify any patterns/rules they can see.

Children should present their findings in their homework books. We will discuss this in class and children will be given a word list to learn next week.