23 September 2016
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect and is due on Thursday 29 September.
Some children are consolidating our learning about relative clauses:
I can use relative clauses.
Other children are recapping some previous learning:
I can spot squashed sentences.
23 September 2016
This week’s Mathletics homework should be completed by Thursday 29 September.
Score 1000 points on Mathletics.
Children could complete this on Live Mathletics or by completing other activities.
23 September 2016
The spellings to learn this week all have the prefix un or dis. The spelling test will be on Friday 30 September. Spelling tests will now be weekly along with the times table test.
23 September 2016
This week’s homework is creative and is due Thursday 29 September:
I can design a chocolate bar wrapper.
As we begin our Big Topic based on a class novel (in our case, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), this chocolate-themed homework seems appropriate! There’s only one rule: don’t use more than one page of A4.
Creative geography homeworks
Some fabulous homework this week. Take a look.
23 September 2016
The homework this week is creative and is due in on Thursday 29 September.
I love reading!
For this homework children should show off their love of reading. This could be stories, comics, fact books, poems.
Here are a few ideas for what the children could do:
- write a review of their favourite book
- create a poster celebrating their favourite book or author
- write a letter to a character in or the author of their favourite book
- interview a character or an author
- re-write a favourite part of a book
- write an alternative ending or new chapter for a favourite book
23 September 2016
Creative homework
Last week’s homework was to show what we know about the world. As always, Y6 produced some amazing work. Here are just a couple of pieces that caught our eyes:
Every time we do Creative homework, we put it out on the tables and have a look at what everyone has produced. We really like taking a sneaky peak at each other’s ideas. Here we are looking at, and interacting with, what we did.
Once we’ve enjoyed the homework review, we choose someone’s to look at more closely and write a comment in their book. If we’re lucky, Miss Rushbrooke might give us a golden ticket too!
Written by all of Y6 and Miss Rushbrooke.
23 September 2016
Our spelling list leads on from the spelling activity last week. All of the spellings have -ible or -able endings. For Friday’s test, I’ll test some of these words but will also test words from their word families or even words that have the same spelling pattern but weren’t on the spelling list.
All children should be practising their spellings in their homework book using the techniques we’ve discussed in class.
- tolerable
- edible
- admirable
- horrible
- sensible
- breakable
- applicable
- incredible
- considerable
- terrible