Moortown Primary is a happy and healthy place to learn.
Happy and healthy things happen all the time here at Moortown:
- daily activities, such as Wake Up, Shake Up (a short burst of energy each morning) and playtimes
- weekly sessions of PE, Living and Learning (our name for Personal, Social and Health Education) and circle times
- occasional activities, which include specialist health visitors and local sports events
- annual events like our themed weeks, including Being Healthy and Staying Safe
And, of course, we’re a place to learn:
- check out the class news pages – packed with great learning happening in each class
- learn more about our curriculum and expectations
- find out about end of Key Stage 2 outcomes
Our school logo is important to us.
Nike’s swoosh… McDonald’s golden arches… Our Brill Buddies logo is as important to us as these slightly more widely known logos are to the companies! Here’s what some of our Junior Leaders said about our logo when we asked them in November 2023.
Ralph and Jayan (Year 3) and Nate and Luke (Year 4) make a link with our ethos – a happy and healthy place to learn:
The people are holding hands and they’re jumping in the air. Holding hands shows friendship and jumping in the air shows being happy and excited. You’re being active when you jump and this helps to show being healthy.
Ayanna and Will (Year 5) and Danny and Penelope (Year 6) are also enthusiastic about the symbolism in our logo:
Once you’ve seen our logo a few times, even when you take the letters away, you know it’s Moortown Primary. I like the fact the people are all different colours – it shows that no matter what race or religion, we’re all friends. The people are playing – this shows we have fun at Moortown Primary. The person in the middle might be older and in our school we mix with everyone, in all age groups.
Our Junior Leaders all contributed enthusiastically. For ease of reading, we’ve combined the comments from the children here, but we’ve not changed their words in any way.
Our visual ethos statement is important, too.
Our Visual Mission Statement was designed and produced by Year 5 pupils way back in 2006 – we still celebrate the symbols today:
- The tree’s trunk and branches are symbols of all the adults who support and care…
- …for the children at Moortown Primary School, represented by the leaves.
- The cherries represent the good times we have at Moortown Primary School.
- The globe shows that we are a multi-cultural school with pupils and staff from many different countries.
- The four children holding hands show that we all work together at Moortown Primary School. Co-operation and friendship are important to us.
- The symbols around the tree represent the subjects we learn in school.
- The birds in the sky are symbols of the visitors to our school – we welcome all of them.
- Flowers around the bottom represent our blossoming knowledge and skills as we learn more and more.
- The sun and rain symbolise the guidance and growth we get from our governors.
- The religious symbols you can see represent all our different faiths.
For our children, we’re a happy and healthy place to learn.
For our staff, we’re a happy and healthy place to work.
What about our school logo? What does it symbolise for you and your child?
We asked some of our Junior Leadership Team what our school logo means to them.