Home learning (30 March 2020)
Posted on 30 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree
This week, we thought we’d lighten up on all the advice and information we’ve sent out recently, so…
It’s quiz time! Here’s a game called Red Herring…
Sphere Federation is made up of three primary schools. Each school has a Head of School, and there’s me, the Head of Federation. We’ve all listed three facts about ourselves, but beware! One is a Red Herring – it’s completely false. Your job is to work out which one is just plain wrong!
Miss Hague, Scholes (Elmet) Primary:
- I worked in pollution control before becoming a teacher.
- I can talk like Donald Duck – it’s my party piece.
- I appear in a travel brochure for Spain.
Miss Weekes, Moortown Primary:
- I can juggle, but only with handkerchiefs (they’re slower than balls!)
- I wanted to be a rally driver when I was little.
- As a child, I hated wearing dresses – I used to hide them.
Miss Beatson, St James’ CE Primary:
- When I was younger, my dream job was to be an air stewardess.
- I used to pack tracheostomy sponges.
- I can play the banjo.
And me, Mr Roundtree:
- I can do a bridge pose (although not as well as this one).
- During university, I ate a medium pan pizza every day for three weeks.
- My favourite music is by a Dutch band called The Nits.
Make sure your child is in the know about coronavirus and other news…
There’s a lot of wrong stuff out there on social media:
- Misinformation is a mistake: information that’s accidentally (but still unhelpfully) wrong.
- Disinformation is deliberate: information that’s wrong on purpose; this can be especially harmful.
You can always rely on Newsround to present the news to children in a way that works. And it’s not all doom and gloom – there’s an opinion poll at the moment rating the best celebrity teacher whilst the schools are closed. Who do you think is rated top so far? Could it be…
- David Walliams
- Carol Vorderman
- Oti Mabuse, or
- someone else entirely?
Do you know anyone whose English may not be good enough to understand the important health messages from the NHS at the moment?
Doctors of the World website has NHS guidance translated into several languages. The guidance is based on the government’s updated advice and health information. The complete list of languages is English, Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Czech, Dari, Estonian, Farsi, French, Gujarati, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Hungarian, Kurdish Sorani, Lithuanian, Malayalam, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Romanian, Sindhi, Slovak, Spanish, Somali, Tigrinya, Turkish, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
Home learning: all set for a Week 2?
Posted on 29 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree
We really hope you’ve managed to have some sort of weekend, with some relaxation, rest and recuperation so you and your child are ready and rejuvenated for Week 2 of home learning.
Remember some tips from last week:
- try to develop a timetable for the tasks and stick to it – children benefit from the routine and it becomes easier
- build in practical tasks like cooking or planning an online shop so your child can use and apply the skills they have
- use different devices to access the tasks if you’ve more than one child, or let them have a go at the same task, but provide extra support for the younger, or additional challenge for the older
- if a task looks too complicated for your child, be flexible – they could access the task set by a teacher in one of the other Sphere schools, or they could access some learning from our menu of home learning resources.
- let your child’s teacher know how they’re doing – it’ll help them to stay engaged if they get some feedback (and our teachers are loving seeing all the great learning that’s coming in – check out their Class News pages!)
- importantly – be kind to yourself and your child: this is a difficult time for us all, so if they’ve done just two of the tasks, plus some reading (20 minutes would be great), some exercise and some other learning from our menu, then that’s a really productive day!
A top site to check out…
To kick off a new week. we want to really recommend BBC Teach. It’s home to thousands of free curriculum-mapped videos, arranged by age-group and subject. In the menu bar at the top, select primary (or secondary for older children) and you’ll find a whole array of options for each school subject, split into Key Stage 1 (Years 1, 2) and Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6).
A few other sites to maybe check out…
Teach your Monster to Read has lots of games to help your child learn to read. It covers everything from letters and sounds to reading full sentences. The computer version is 100% free.
Scholastic Kids’ Club is a great site for your child to browse – they can read about books, do games, activities and sometimes competitions, and the Book Wizard guides them to some reading recommendations, tailor-made for them.
Look out for Phonics Play’s comics which are decodable (this means ‘readable’ for the stage of phonics your child is on). If you’re not sure what stage of phonics your child is on, you could always start at the beginning for a useful re-cap, or email your child’s class teacher.
And you might want to encourage your child to access this if they’re feeling stressed…
Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use.https://www.nhs.uk/change4life
All of these have been added to our menu of home learning resources.
Fab feedback from an advisor
Posted on 28 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree
Amongst all the chaos and communications and coordinating of the last couple of weeks, we received some great feedback following a visit from an external educational consultant (and Ofsted inspector)…
At Moortown Primary, we don’t like to rest on our laurels – we’re always keen to hear the views of others so we can keep getting better – so we invited a consultant in to do a ‘deep dive‘ in History.
(‘Deep dive’ is a new expression used by Ofsted – it’s an in-depth examination of a subject, typically involving lesson visits, pupil interviews (with their exercise books), and teacher interviews. Typical Ofsted inspections now feature about three to five ‘deep dives’ in different subjects.)
Our history deep dive was an important way to help us evaluate changes that we’ve made this year in how we plan and teach topic subjects. Read more about our curriculum here, but be aware we plan to update this page soon, better reflecting the changes we’ve made.
Here are some of the comments:
The main body [of the lesson], requiring children to read and become experts in an aspect of Viking life that have had a longer-term impact on life today, was thoroughly explored with exemplary reference to recent work on ‘digital footprints’ clearly resonating with the children. During the silent read session, the teacher moved effortlessly around the groups to qualify any queries regarding challenging vocabulary.
[The teacher] has established good presence and relationships with his class… The task to consider and explain how elements of everyday Viking life impact on our life today certainly captured the children’s imagination. Subsequently, attitudes to learning were strong as they maturely debated and collaborated.
In discussion… children could confidently recall elements of previous historical learning and, impressively, the links between civilisations is having an impact on learning and memory.
The Key Stage 2 children also spoke about their love of the subject. When challenged to find a piece of work in their books that they had particularly enjoyed and could remember a great deal from, it was hard to quell their enthusiasm and this in itself evidences their thirst and enjoyment for the subject.
The school’s intent for history is now well established and although its knowledge-based implementation phase remains in its embryonic form, the evidence points to a curriculum that children will enjoy and more importantly, learn a great deal from.
The unique strand of linking British and ancient historical periods [during the deep dive, the topic was Vikings in Britain, with comparisons made to a similar period elsewhere, the Golden Age of Islam] is totally unique and evidences the imaginative thinking of leaders. Such thinking is allowing teachers to teach to a greater depth thus fostering higher expectations of what pupils can achieve in historical knowledge, vocabulary and skill development.
Mr Wilks is the leader for History and the other foundations subjects. He’s done a great job in planning and leading the recent changes we’ve made, and in supporting teachers.
The consultant left us with two areas to improve which we’d already identified as next steps for us:
- to develop ways to improve children’s memory of vocabulary and facts in this new knowledge-led curriculum (it would be reasonable to say most schools are in this position following Ofsted’s shift of focus in September)
- to employ even greater use of first-hand learning experiences.
You made it!
Posted on 27 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree
To the mums, dads, carers of Moortown children: well done! You did it – you got to the end of the week, and for that, you should feel pleased with yourselves. We know it’s been tough. It’s the weekend now, and it’ll be a strange one in this ‘new norm’.
Try to find ways to relax. Maybe you can include a David Walliams story part of that. He’s reading a free audio story every day at the moment. Each day’s story can be heard here, or your child can listen live at 11am (perfect time for you to have a break and a cuppa).
Leeds emergency food provision and mental health support
Posted on 27 March 2020 by Mrs Quirk
Due to the rapidly evolving situation, for up to date information on where help and provisions can be accessed in the city, visit: https://www.leeds.gov.uk/leedsmic or https://leedsfoodaidnetwork.co.uk/document/.
If you are finding it difficult to access food due to financial constraints, self-isolation or accessibility of food provision, then you are eligible for help. Leeds City Council are putting additional support in place to ensure everyone is able to access the food they need.
Finally, whether you’re a key worker or at home, you may be worried and anxious about the current situation. To support your mental health and well-being we would recommend: https://www.mindwell-leeds.org.uk/
Home learning (27 March 2020)
Posted on 27 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree
We’ll start with our third top tip to support your child…
Tip number 3: practical tasks for practice
We all agree we’d rather have all the children in school, the best place to learn different subjects and develop socially and emotionally, too. And we all agree that home learning is tough, especially when many of you will be working from home, too (and all of us are feeling cooped up so much).
There’s one thing about being at home that’s a real advantage, though, and that’s the chance to get your child joining in with practical tasks around the house.
- For younger children, setting the table can help to develop motor skills and promote characteristics of effective learning like being involved, concentrating and enjoying achieving what they set out to do.
- Being at home is a perfect chance to practise telling the time (by the end of the school year, most Year 1 children should be able to tell the time to the hour and half past the hour) – so what time does PE with Joe Wicks or Let’s go Live with Maddie and Greg start, or what time is lunch? For older children, how much longer until then?
- For older children, serving out food can help to develop mathematical skills of estimation and fractions.
- Have you a flat-pack that’s been lying around waiting to be assembled? Think about the reading skills and design and technology skills that will be developed if your child gets stuck in to help with this.
- Even putting something in a microwave is an opportunity – what power is the microwave and how can we set the time to match?
Often, our instinct is to get on and do the job while the children are occupied elsewhere – it’s usually easier that way. However, it might help to try to look out for these opportunities. Some children learn better by doing things in a practical way. Don’t feel you must insist on all three home learning tasks done if you feel confident they’re practising skills in a more practical way.
Two new suggestions to support your child’s learning…
Why not join Leeds library online? Once you’ve joined, you can use their e-reading options, which are free and a great way to spend time, learn something new or look after your wellbeing.
The Maths Factor, endorsed by Carol Voderman, is free to use at the moment. It’s a comprehensive package of tutorials. We’d suggest your child watches one a couple of times and then perhaps has a go at something similar. You could work your way through them one by one, or dip in and out, looking at the one that most closely matches the home learning that’s been set by the teacher.
We’ve added both links to our menu of useful home learning sites.
Finally, a repeat call to respond…
Do you need to use school during the pandemic? It would really help us to plan ahead if you can complete this short form and return to us by email (or call us on the number provided if you can’t email). The dates on the form go right through the Easter holidays and include the bank holidays – we’re doing our best to be able to open throughout this situation. Please only consider this in light of current guidelines.
Home learning (26 March 2020)
Posted on 26 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree
In today’s update, we’ve a second top tip for the week. There’ll be another one tomorrow…
Tip number 2: struggling with a home learning task
Our teachers are trying to make sure that the tasks they set are accessible to all – they should often cover previous learning (giving your child a chance to practise existing skills) or they should be quite open-ended (meaning your child can approach the task in different ways, to suit his/her needs).
However, you still might sometimes find that your child (or you!) is struggling with a home learning task. If this is the case, please don’t become stressed or anxious, and don’t try to push your child in a way that could make him/her really reluctant to do more. Instead, we’ve three suggestions:
You could try emailing your child’s teacher. Each teacher will have published on the Homework page their email address – it’ll follow the same pattern as joebloggs@spherefederation.org
Teachers aim to reply on the same day, but it might involve a wait. So, another solution could be to check out a home learning task that’s been set by a teacher in one of our sister Sphere Federation schools:
- Moortown Primary homework pages
- Scholes (Elmet) Primary homework pages
- St James’ CE Primary homework pages
(Some of our teachers work really closely across the schools and will have shared the same home learning tasks, so sorry if this suggestion doesn’t always work out.)
The third suggestion is to try something completely different from this list of home learning activities. (We’ve mentioned this before, but this list has a couple of updates.) The home learning tasks are a guide, but you can choose to be flexible in your approach.
A final piece of advice we can give you is a repeat: stay calm and don’t get stressed about it. If your child can do two of the three tasks successfully, plus some daily reading and practice of something like counting or times tables, then that’s already a productive day.
And a few more things to say…
During this time, your child might end up being online more than they normally would. There are lots of sites to help make sure your child stays safe online – Thinkuknow is one of them. They’ve produced a short guide for parents of primary and secondary children.
We know that this is a difficult and worrying time for everyone – but particularly so for adults and children living with domestic abuse. If this affects you or someone you know, check out these resources to help support you through this time. As always, if you or someone else is in immediate danger please call 999 and ask for the police.
Finally, apologies to you for the short time when our websites experienced a glitch yesterday. It was for a really short period of time thanks to the support team we use, but we know at a time like this (maybe half-way through a home learning task even!), it wasn’t ideal. (Thanks to the parents who alerted us, too.)
Home learning (25 March 2020)
Posted on 25 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree
Once again, we’re going to start this update with a big thank you to you, the parents and carers. We know this is tough for you. One of our own teachers with two children has commented that finding the balance between supporting her own children whilst working from home is tough. Remember, though, you’re doing a great job in tough times.
In today’s update, we’ve a top tip. There’ll be another one tomorrow and one more on Friday…
Tip number 1: supporting more than one child at home
If you’ve got more than one child at home, you might like to access the home learning tasks using different devices – perhaps one on a computer at home, and one on a mobile phone. (Like most websites these days, ours is set up so that looking at it on a smartphone works, with no squashed text or other content.) This will mean the children can settle to their learning at roughly the same time.
Another solution to support home learning with more than one child is to balance things out: quiet reading for one, and the home learning task for another.
And a third way might be for both children to have a go at the same task. This won’t always work, but often will, maybe with a tweak or two. For example, if a younger child is set a phonics challenge (such as spotting things around the house that begin with a ‘ch’ sound, like ‘chip’), the older child could be set the same task, but with longer words, or words that have ‘sh’ somewhere other than at the start (like ‘kitchen’).
If you’ve established a routine that includes PE with Joe Wicks at 9am, that could also give you time to check out the tasks for each of your children and think about how to be flexible, making them work for you and your children.
We’re going to end the update with another thank you, and that’s to you again. On behalf of all the teachers, the Heads of School and me, we’re saying thank you for the great feedback we’ve been getting for the communications. In these socially distanced times, we’re really happy to hear what we’re doing remotely is helping in some way.
Please help us plan ahead
Posted on 25 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree
Are you a parent or carer who may need to use school during the pandemic?
It would really help us to plan ahead if you can complete this short form and return to us by email (or call us on the number provided if you can’t email). The dates on the form go right through the Easter holidays and include the bank holidays – we’re doing our best to be able to open throughout this situation. (Thank you to all the staff who have been able to commit to this.)
Please only consider this in light of current guidelines:
- The government has asked parent to keep their children at home, wherever possible: the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread.
- The government has set out key principles to ensure we are providing childcare for a limited number of children and only those who absolutely need to attend.
- Every child who can be safely cared for at home, should be.
Home learning (24 March 2020)
Posted on 24 March 2020 by Mr Roundtree
We hope your first day of home learning went well.
Yesterday, we suggested getting a timetable up and running with your child, to help them get into routines, and we shared various websites that can help to support you.
It’s completely understandable that you’re feeling stressed right now – most parents will be feeling the same. Here’s a few things to bear in mind:
- Combine home learning with some practical tasks, like helping to prepare lunch and doing the washing up. They can be added to the routine of the day and are great for developing a sense of responsibility. Try to invest the time now so your child becomes really good at a household job – first one, then another and perhaps a third.
- The ideas, and the suggested timetable we shared yesterday, are for guidance. You’re not falling short if you don’t quite manage to achieve everything we’ve suggested – we understand that many of you are trying to work from home as well.
- It might help to build up the timetable, taking on board something new one at a time. It’s important to really secure one or two things done well before trying to get it all right from the outset.
For parents of younger children, you might be reassured to know there are plenty of countries where children don’t actually start school until children are about seven. Some education professionals argue that in the UK we push our children too quickly down an academic route rather than securing really strong characteristics of effective learning. These feature in Early Years settings and they’re something you can develop and nurture at home. With these characteristics, children are well-suited to make good progress later on, so try to develop those at home.
And now a top tip… (and one I’ve tried out at home, too!)
Why not encourage your child to take a virtual mountain bike ride, courtesy of imoves? Go on a speedy journey travelling through forests and trees, over bridges and much more! Once they’ve done the ride, get them to think about the ride they’ve just been on. What did they see, smell or hear? How did it make them feel? imoves has a whole range of ways to support physical health and mental health and wellbeing, quick blasts of exercise to calming meditations.
(Yep – I’ve taken the virtual bike ride in my kitchen last night!)