Supporting good causes
Posted on 29 November 2019 by Mrs Weekes
We’ve been hearing about lots of charitable causes this week; it was great to hear how passionate the children were. Children have been finding out about different causes and speaking about why they should be supported. Each class then voted and then there was a final vote today and the School Council decided to support the fundraising campaign for the Verro family:
Posted on 29 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree
We recommend two videos which talk about the issue of consent.
We do suggest you watch them first. You might not feel they’re appropriate to show your child, but they should help you to feel better prepared to talk to your child about the notion of consent, and they might also be useful for an older child.
Tea and consent comes from Thames Valley Police – it likens sexual consent to agreeing to a cup of tea, or not agreeing, or changing your mind.
Consent for kids is an American clip – it gets across the message in a very matter-of-fact way (as long as you can cope with the very American accent of the narrator!).
Living and Learning: My Community week so far
Posted on 28 November 2019 by Mrs Taylor
This week, we are enjoying our ‘My Community’ themed week based around these themes.
- Who am I? (identity)
- Who are we? (diversity)
- Where do I live? (community)
- How do we all live together? (equality)
There have been lots of events, visits and visitors so far.
- School community coffee morning and Wake Up Shake Up on Monday
- Bulb planting with Friends of Moortown Park
- Visiting Allerton Grange drama department for a community themed drama session led by Year 12 pupils
- A visit from Linda Gledhill from the deaf and hearing impairment team
- A visit from the RNIB to raise awareness of visually impaired members of our community
- JustDifferent disability workshops
- Litter picking in the local area
- Hate Crime workshops led by West Yorkshire Police
- Visiting Donisthorpe Hall
- A visit from Moortown fire service
- A visit from our PCSOs
- Learning carousels across different classes
Still to come is a visit to a group run by Moor Allerton Elderly Care; Greek language sessions led by a parent; a visit to St Gemma’s Hospice and choosing our new school charity.
The week will culminate with Identity Day on Friday 29 November.
Children are invited to dress in clothing that represents part of their identity, for example uniform from a club they attend, a team they are part of or support or traditional dress to represent their heritage. We invite a donation for the PTA Christmas fair.
Thank you for all the entries we have received for the active travel in the community competition.
We encourage families to get out in the community in an active way on the way to and from school. Email ( a picture of your active travel, maybe by a landmark on the route to school, for the chance to win one of five £10 vouchers. The winners will be drawn in the assembly tomorrow afternoon so please ensure your entries are sent by 12 o’clock tomorrow.
Thank you for supporting the themed week and please discuss the week with your child to reinforce this important learning.
Community week feedback
Posted on 27 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree
We’re all enjoying a community themed week at Moortown Primary this week. We’re learning all about identity and community.
As part of the week, Year 2 pupils visited Donisthorpe Hall, just down the road from us. After our visit, we received this lovely email:
Dear Mr Roundtree, Mrs Weekes and all the staff and year 2 pupils involved in the outing to Donisthorpe Hall earlier today.
What a fantastic afternoon which the older residents at Donisthorpe clearly enjoyed. Their joy at seeing and meeting the year 2 children was lovely and the children fully engaged with them. The residents and children had a lovely time. Thank you for organising such a worthwhile community activity.
Family fundraising
Posted on 27 November 2019 by Mrs Weekes
As some of you may know, one of our families has started a huge fundraising bid to raise money for some medical treatment. Mr Verro, father of Oliver (Y3) and Charlotte (Y1), has multiple sclerosis and can access some stem cell treatment that could be life changing and stop the progression of the condition. To do this, the family have had to set about raising a large amount of money as this treatment is currently not available on the NHS.
As a school, we would like to do what we can to help and we can do this by alerting you to several ways you could be involved:
There is a GoFundMe page where you can read about the situation and contribute if you wish:
It would also be helpful to share the link to all of your contacts to reach as many people as possible.
There is also a link for easy fundraising where you can have a donation made at no extra cost when you are shopping online; all the major retailers are participating in this programme:
However, at the moment, if you use the link below, the campaign will be given a £5 bonus donation every time someone successfully joins and raises £5 as a supporter.
It’s a good way of raising money when you do weekly shopping online and, also, when buying Christmas presents:
The family have organised a reindeer dash (antlers to be worn, of course!) which will be taking place on 14 December at 10am in Roundhay Park; leaflets will be sent out in book bags and Mrs Verro will be selling tickets in the playground. Tickets can now be bought online here:
There will be a 2km event and a 5km event to participate in.
On 06 December, there will be a non-uniform day; donations or raffle prizes would be welcome and any funds raised will be split between the nominated school charity and the fundraising campaign.
We’ll act as a collection point for any raffle prizes that you can kindly donate to the campaign – please leave these at the office.
Thank you on behalf of the family for any funds that are raised.
A new edition of #Ditto
Posted on 25 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree
#Ditto is a downloadable e-safety magazine for schools, organisations and parents to keep you up to date with risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, with a view to enjoying and learning about technology.
There’s a lot of interesting information in the November edition. We especially liked the articles on Deepfakes, Influencers and Notifications and Immediacy.
Read your way to a happy and healthy life
Posted on 24 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree
We can all agree that reading is important, but do you realise just how important reading actually is?
The Reading Agency outlines the powerful impact reading can have for your child, for you and for society.
The benefits of reading for pleasure for your child (and you!):
- Reading for pleasure is more important for children’s cognitive development – their brain power – than their parents’ level of education.
- Reading for pleasure is a more powerful factor in life achievement than socio-economic background.
- 16-year-olds who choose to read books for pleasure outside of school are more likely to secure managerial or professional jobs in later life.
- Having books in the home is associated with both reading enjoyment and confidence. Of children who report having fewer than 10 books in their homes, 42% say they do not like reading and only 32% say they are ‘very confident’ readers. For children who report having over 200 books at home, only 12% say they do not like reading and 73% consider themselves ‘very confident’ readers.
- Children who read books often at age 10, and more than once a week at age 16, gain higher results in maths, vocabulary and spelling tests at age 16 than those who read less regularly.
- Reading extensively and for pleasure at home can increase literacy skills at a greater rate than through formal lessons at school.
- Incomes are higher in countries where more adults reach the highest levels of literacy proficiency and fewer adults are at the lowest levels of literacy.
- An online poll reveals that regular readers for pleasure report fewer feelings of stress and depression than non-readers, and stronger feelings of relaxation from reading than from watching television or engaging with technology intensive activities.
- Studies have shown that those who read for pleasure have higher levels of self-esteem and a greater ability to cope with difficult situations.
- Reading for pleasure is associated with better sleeping patterns.
- Adults who read for just 30 minutes a week are 20% more likely to report greater life satisfaction.
We’re often asked how you can support your child more at home. We think one of the best ways to help is to make sure you build into the daily routine some time for reading. For many families, this is a bedtime story every night just before lights out.
Happy reading!
Fortnite - staying safe
Posted on 21 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree
As you know, we like to keep you updated as much as possible with how you can keep your child safe when they’re online. This is an ever-changing world and, unfortunately, it’s impossible to keep up with all current issues but there are some ways we can help. Over this year, we’ll communicate to you some factsheets about popular games and apps with some hints and tips about how you can support your child in staying safe.
The first one is some guidance around the game, Fortnite.
As always, if you’ve any questions, comments or concerns, please chat to someone in school.
Living and Learning: My Community
Posted on 20 November 2019 by Mrs Taylor
We’re looking forward to lots of learning about identity, diversity and our community in our next whole school themed week, My Community.
Here are some key events taking place next week.
Living and learning in our happy and healthy school
Posted on 19 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree
Although it’s not yet in primary schools’ National Curriculum, most primaries provide pupils with learning around aspects of Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE), and also citizenship (in fact, sometimes, you might see or hear the abbreviation PSHCE) and financial education (I’ve even spotted the abbreviation PSHEE – Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education). Sex and relationships education (SRE, although sometimes the terms are swapped around: Relationships and Sex Education – RSE) also falls under this PSHE umbrella term. As you can see, all these abbreviations can get really confusing!
At Moortown Primary, we cover all this in a weekly subject which is popular with both pupils and their teachers: Living and Learning.
Read more about Living and Learning on our Health page and in our age-related expectations. You can also check out the weekly Living and Learning theme in our calendar – they show for each Monday during term-time.