School Savings Club paying in session
Posted on 07 July 2019 by Mrs Taylor
The next School Saving Club paying in date is 10 July 2019 at 3.15-3.45pm.
If your child opened an account in our Money Matters themed week, this would be a great chance to start their saving journey.
If you’re unable to attend in person, please hand in any money to be deposited to the office in a sealed envelope addressed to Mrs Tiffany.
This is the final paying in date for this year and dates for next year will be shared in September.
If your child would like to open an account, please ask at the office.
Sports day 4th July
Posted on 03 July 2019 by Mrs Taylor
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our annual sports day tomorrow. Here is some information about the day.
Our sports day will take place offsite at Roundhegians Rugby Club (LS8 2AT). Access to the club is off Chelwood Drive and there is some parking available. Children will be walking to the field, escorted by adults. Thank you to those parents/carers who have offered to help with this. We will be leaving school at 9:05am for KS2 and 1:05pm for Reception and KS1.
The Key Stage 2 Sports Day will begin at 9.30am ending at approximately 11:30am and the Reception and Key Stage 1 sports day will start at 1.30pm ending at approximately 3 pm.
Normal lunch time and end of school collection arrangements will still apply on this day.
PE kit
Our teams will be: green, blue, white and red and your child/children has been told their team colour by their class teacher. If possible, please could your child wear a t-shirt to match their team colour. If your child does not have a coloured t-shirt, they should wear their white PE top and they will be given a bib to wear.
Children should come to school in their PE kit to be worn for the whole day.
On the day
Please could you ensure your child has their water bottle and a cap/hat at school; it would also be useful if you could apply sun cream before your child comes to school.
The format of this year’s event will be competitive races and field events (KS2) with children having the opportunity to compete for medals. These will be awarded by staff and sports leaders from Allerton Grange, who will be placed on the finish line. No VAR this year, unfortunately! However, all children will be rewarded for taking part.
We expect each child to take part in at least two events. Some may take part in more depending on how many children are in their team. As far as is possible, we have tried to place children in events of their choice.
No seating is provided so please bring a rug or your own chairs if you come to spectate.
Thank you to those parents/carers who are able to bring gazebos on the day. Any additional gazebos would be welcome, to shade the children, if you can help with this.
The PTA will be selling refreshments for parents and carers on the day.
You are welcome to take photos on the day. These should be for your own use and as we have children in school who cannot be photographed please do not share these photos on social media.
For safety reasons, please do not cross the track to where the children are seated – thank you.
Showcase of skipping skills
Posted on 26 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor
Thank you to all parents, carers and family who came along to see the fantastic skipping skills on display at our recent skipping assembly.
Jodi, from Skipping School, provided skipping sessions for Reception class, Year 1, Year 3, Year 5 and Year 6 throughout the day and it was great to see all the new skills learnt. Year 2 and Year 4 have already been involved in their skipping projects this year and have taken part in festivals representing the school.
Skipping is one of the ways we encourage the children to achieve their 30 active minutes at school by providing short and long ropes at playtime and lunchtime.
If you didn’t get chance to buy a skipping rope after the assembly, we do have some available for sale. Please come to the Year 2 classroom on Monday or Tuesday, after school, if you would like to purchase one.
Wimbledon themed menu
Posted on 25 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor
Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Tuesday 9th July. Please contact the office, as soon as possible, if your child would like a school meal on this day (no action needed if your child normally has a school meal on this day). Subject to the weather on the day, we hope the children can enjoy this picnic themed meal outside.
The annual survey is now closed
Posted on 25 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree
Thanks to all parents / carers who completed an annual survey. The deadline for this was yesterday. School leaders will now start looking through the feedback and this will help tell us how we can keep getting better and better.
We can’t guarantee to meet the needs and wants of every parent / carer, but we do assure you that we consider all the points raised and aim to act on specific points that are raised by many, or a useful idea raised by just a few.
Last year, based on your feedback, for example, we changed how we update you about your child’s progress so that you get five updates over the year: a parent-teacher consultation in Autumn 1 and Spring 1; a Learning Update ‘mini-report’ in Autumn 2 and Spring 2; and a final end-of-year report in Summer 2.
We’re looking forward to reading your views.
Clean Air Day
Posted on 20 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor
Today is Clean Air Day to help tackle air pollution and protect the health of everyone in Leeds. It is all about making people more aware of the changes they can make to their day-to-day life to support this aim.
We support the aims of Clean Air Day to create a safer, healthier and more enjoyable environment for people around school.
‘Improving the air we breathe in Leeds is a huge priority and one we can all play a role in. We can’t always see it, but air pollution has serious effects on our health and our environment. As one of the biggest cities outside of London, Leeds has not surprisingly been identified alongside many other UK cities as one which needs to reduce pollution levels as quickly as possible. By working together to improve the air we breathe, we can protect the health of the people of Leeds.’
We promote active travel to school such as walking, biking, scooting and park and stride (using our preferred site at Marks and Spencer) to reduce congestion around the school gates and therefore to improve air quality.
Have you spotted our new banner outside school aimed at reducing engine idling?
Last chance to submit your views
Posted on 20 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree
At Moortown Primary, we’re always keen to hear your views.
The annual survey is still available for you to let us know your thoughts, but goes offline on Monday 24 June so you’ve only a few days left. The survey will only take a few minutes or so.
We hope that you let us know any questions, comments and concerns (as well as causes for celebration!) whenever these crop up, but we like to gather the views more generally at the end of the year. We’re looking forward to reading your views.
Hot Shots total
Posted on 19 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor
Thank you for all the sponsor money raised following the Hot Shots event during our Money Matters themed week.
We are pleased to announce that we have raised a fantastic total of £665.75 for our school charity, WWF.
Sports day
Posted on 17 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor
This year’s sports day will take place on Thursday 04 July 2019, at Roundhegians Rugby Club. Access to Roundhegians will be off Chelwood Drive.
Key Stage 2 events will take place at 9.30am and Reception and Key Stage 1 at 1.30pm. Children will be walking to the field, escorted by adults. We will require additional adult helpers so please let the office know if you can help with this.
If weather conditions mean we have to change the date, the reserve date is Thursday 11 July.
The format of this year’s event will be competitive races and field events with children having the opportunity to compete for medals. However, all children will be rewarded for taking part.
Our teams will be: green, blue, white and red and your child/children will be told their team colour by their class teacher. If possible, please could your child wear a t-shirt to wear to match their team colour. Pupils may wear PE kit for the whole day.
As we are off site, please could you provide your child with a carrier bag to sit on. If you are coming to spectate, you are welcome to bring rugs or chairs to sit on.
Please could you ensure your child has their water bottle and a cap/hat at school; it would also be useful if you could apply sun cream before your child comes to school.
Normal lunch time and end of school collection arrangements will still apply on this day.
In the event of bad weather, updates will be sent via Twitter and posted on the website.
Your support is valued to make the event memorable and we hope you are able to come and cheer your child on at sports day.
Skipping day
Posted on 12 June 2019 by Mrs Taylor
One of the ways we have invested our PE and Sport Premium, over the last two years, is our partnership with Skipping School. This has supported children to learn new skipping techniques.
With skipping equipment available for pupils to use at playtime and lunchtime, this is one of the ways they can achieve their active 30 minutes in school every day.
Year 2 and Year 4 have taken part in skipping festivals this year and Jodi, from Skipping School, will be working with our remaining classes on Wednesday 19 June.
There will be a whole school skipping assembly at the end of the day and if the weather is dry, this will be held in the playground and parents and carers are invited to come and watch the skipping skills on show.
Please note that if the weather is wet, the assembly will need to be indoors and, due to space restrictions, we will not be able to accommodate parents and carers in the hall as well as the skippers.
After the skipping assembly, skipping ropes will be available for sale at a subsidised price of £2 rather than £5 from outside the Year 2 classroom.