Mrs Weekes is our Head of School and is the Safeguarding Lead at Moortown (the person with responsibility for child protection issues) and Inclusion Leader (overseeing Special Educational Needs and other forms of inclusion).
Q. Where do you come from?
A. I was born in Newcastle Upon Tyne and lived in a place called Whickham which is in Gateshead. I have also lived in Scarborough for four years and have lived in Leeds since I graduated from university.
Q. What is your favourite subject?
A. My favourite subject at school was art as I love drawing; I also liked writing stories and poems (and still do!). However, as I have got older, I really like maths and enjoy playing around with numbers, spotting patterns and solving problems.
Q. What is your favourite food?
A. I love pepperoni pizza with jalepenos (the spicier the better!) but I also really like seafood. Prawns and calamari are my favourite seafood but I don’t often cook them at home.
Q. What is your favourite animal?
A. I think tigers are beautiful and magnificent animals – I find them fascinating to watch. I am quite partial to a sloth – they are funny looking animals and quite strange but they are cute in their own unique way.
Q. What is your favourite sport?
A. I really enjoy swimming and should really find more time to go. At school I played hockey and was goalkeeper which I really enjoyed. If you ask me which sport I watch the most, it has to be rugby league.
Q. Why did you want to become a teacher?
A. I always knew that I wanted to work with children but was never sure which route to take. I originally wanted to be a nanny or a nursery nurse but I was persuaded by my teachers in high school to do a teaching degree. I’m very glad I did – I love it!