Looking at Leeds 2012 photography competition

Saturday 30 June 2012

Every picture tells a story… The Looking at Leeds 2012 photography competition is looking for photographs of Leeds that capture its people and places, its cultures and communities, and they want young people in Leeds to help bring the story to life.  The competition is open to everyone across Leeds, with a special category for young people in Year 11 and under.

The city has a lots happening this summer: Breeze, concerts, festivals, sports, museums, Olympic celebrations… There is something taking place nearly every day, but can you or your child capture what it means to be in Leeds in 2012?

Closing on 31 July 2012, the competition is open to everyone and there are some fantastic prizes on offer:

Entries can be made by emailing your image to imagesofleeds@leeds.gov.uk using ‘Leeds 2012’ as the subject header. Images must have been taken during 2012 and should include the following information:

For more information visit www.leeds.gov.uk/leeds2012.  If you’d like to find out more information about the competition, please email imagesofleeds@leeds.gov.uk.